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Add publications from other PIs #54

Open jcohenadad opened 2 years ago

jcohenadad commented 2 years ago

TODO (modify as required):

benjamindeleener commented 1 year ago

My gsheet is here. Not filled yet.

namgo commented 1 year ago

@benjamindeleener (and others), if you can let me know when you have filled in your sheets, I'll be able to add them to the publications on the website now.

jcohenadad commented 10 months ago

@namgo I think you can just create the gsheets for the other PIs so we can move things forward-- thanks!

only the "article" section

jcohenadad commented 4 months ago

@namgo any update?

namgo commented 4 months ago

@jcohenadad I think I wasn't sure how to proceed and then totally dropped this without realizing I was doing so!

If I understand correctly all I need to do is create gsheets with the template presented through your gsheet?

namgo commented 4 months ago Eva Alonso Ortiz (Benjamin DeLeener's pre-existing sheet) (Nikola pre-existing sheet)

@jcohenadad I just copied Benjamin's sheet to create Nikola and Eva's, which I think I did correctly? They reside in the root folder of neuropoly's shared folder at the moment.

I could probably loop the bibeasy import across the different sheets, but duplication would be a challenge. Provided the formatting follows Benjamin and yours, I think it should be doable.

jcohenadad commented 4 months ago

Amazing! Thank you. Yes, we need to deal with duplication. One suggestion would be to look for matched name + title + journal. If these three match, then skip the output from bibeasy

jcohenadad commented 4 months ago (Nikola pre-existing sheet)

no, that's my gsheet-- Nikola needs to have its separate gsheet URL

Eva's one looks empty

Benjamin's too

namgo commented 4 months ago

I misunderstood then, I thought I just needed to make a gsheet format for PI's to fill in and then add support for the importing of their citations. Should I be importing their citations from CCV, or am I missing something?

jcohenadad commented 4 months ago

Should I be importing their citations from CCV, or am I missing something?

no it's fine, i'll do it-- unless @evaalonsoortiz @benjamindeleener you do it-- thx

namgo commented 4 months ago

Thanks! I believe I created another (empty, but templated) sheet for Nikola that is currently in the root folder where the Eva's is if that helps.