neuropoly / template

A framework for creating unbiased MRI templates of the spinal cord
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Straightened spinal cord does not include all the disc levels #65

Closed rohanbanerjee closed 8 months ago

rohanbanerjee commented 11 months ago

Hello, I am opening this issue regarding this: SCT version used: 6.0 (branch: jn/jn/60-fix-indexerror-during-straightening) Data for reproducing issue is at: duke/temp/rohan/bids_data

To reproduce the issue:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Copy the file configuration_default.json and rename it as configuration.json
  3. Copy paste the below as the content of the configuration.json
    "path_data": "PATH_TO_BIDS_DATA",
    "include-list": "sub-HarshmanDobby",
    "data_type": "anat",
    "contrast": "t2",
    "suffix_image": "_T2",
    "first_disc": "1",
    "last_disc": "26"
  1. Run python configuration.json

Current output:

sub-HarshmanDobby_T2_straight_norm.nii.gz under BIDS_DATA/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord has 23 disc levels.

Expected output:

sub-HarshmanDobby_T2_straight_norm.nii.gz under BIDS_DATA/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord should have 26 disc levels. This is because we set the value of last_disc as 26.

rohanbanerjee commented 11 months ago

Some more explanation for the issue:

The centerline/segmentation and disc labels are a mandatory requirement for the pipeline to run. For my dataset, I am using the centerline and disc labels as my derivatives.

My first guess was that there might be some issue with the centerline i.e. the centerline might not be covering the whole spinal cord or the disc labels might not have all the 26 discs labeled. I have verified this and this is not the case. Attaching some files to confirm this.

The below in red dot is the centerline and it passes through the whole spinal cord.


The value of the last disc level is 26.

Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 3 01 16 PM

Hope this clarifies the issue a little more.

joshuacwnewton commented 11 months ago

Hmm. I am trying the reproduction steps on the master branch, however I'm running into an error inside the script:

Status:   0%|          | 0.00/1.00 [00:00<?, ?B/s]sub-HarshmanDobby SC segmentation exists. Extracting centerline from /home/joshua/repos/template/bids_data/derivatives/labels/sub-HarshmanDobby/anat/sub-HarshmanDobby_T2_label-SC_mask.nii.gz
Status: 100%|##########| 1.00/1.00 [00:02<00:00, 2.22s/B]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/joshua/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/223.7571.203/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/", line 1496, in _exec
    pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals)  # execute the script
  File "/home/joshua/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/223.7571.203/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "/home/joshua/repos/template/", line 698, in <module>
  File "/home/joshua/repos/template/", line 672, in main
    points_average_centerline, position_template_discs = average_centerline(list_centerline = list_centerline,
  File "/home/joshua/repos/template/", line 273, in average_centerline
    distances_discs_from_C1[Centerline.regions_labels[disc_number]] = distances_discs_from_C1[Centerline.regions_labels[disc_number - 1]] + average_length[Centerline.regions_labels[disc_number - 1]][1]
KeyError: 'L4'

The error occurs here, inside of the average_centerline() function of the script:

The error occurs because:

Digging in further:

So, it seems like, before the straightening, there is indeed an issue with the centerline. The issue appears to be because SCT hardcodes a list of labels inside the Centerline object that stops at 23. I wonder why?

On a whim, I tried extending the list_labels list to 26 to see what might happen. And, the error goes away! Plus, the straightening runs fine? I'm looking at the straightened image in FSLeyes and I think it has 26 discs, but I'm not 100% sure.

So the question now is: Why was the list_labels list in SCT limited to 23 in the first place?

joshuacwnewton commented 11 months ago

So the question now is: Why was the list_labels list in SCT limited to 23 in the first place?

It looks like list_labels used to go up to 30, but it was shortened in 2017 during a large refactoring effort: Specifically, commit

This commit doesn't really provide context for the change, though. I wonder if @benjamindeleener could provide some context as the author of the commit? :thinking:

benjamindeleener commented 11 months ago

I am not sure of the exact reason, but it might be because the PAM50 template did not cover the full spinal cord.

rohanbanerjee commented 11 months ago

@joshuacwnewton Do you think if the script dynamically creates the list_labels instead of taking the values from spinalcordtoolbox/, it would solve this problem?

joshuacwnewton commented 11 months ago

@joshuacwnewton Do you think if the script dynamically creates the list_labels instead of taking the values from spinalcordtoolbox/, it would solve this problem?

Good question. Yes, this works.

To test quickly, I did the following in the script:

 from spinalcordtoolbox import utils as sct 
-from spinalcordtoolbox.types import Centerline
 from spinalcordtoolbox import straightening
 from spinalcordtoolbox.centerline.core import ParamCenterline
 from spinalcordtoolbox.centerline.core import get_centerline
 from spinalcordtoolbox.image import Image
 from import download_data, unzip

+from spinalcordtoolbox.types import Centerline
+# list_labels currently stops at 23, but we may have more discs
+# So, temporarily patch Centerline class to have a wider range
+# See:
+Centerline.list_labels = [50, 49] + list(range(27))

And, the script functions as intended. (Of course, you can do this dynamically as you mention based on last_disc + 1 instead of a hardcoded 27.)