Closed rbroc closed 4 years ago
possibly specify summary demographics (gender ratio, age, handedness, healthy/patients), either as separate field in table or just in the dataset description. One option would be to just specify this info when sample is "abnormal" in some respect.
Maybe add a separate tab or pop-up menu on acquisition sequence (TR, spatial resolution, etc.)
Move task information, or at least list task specific information in Dataset information table
For demographics, for now either show summary statitics, or point to a more info in docs, or original dataset docs.
includes a fix for #692 where the total number that will ever be displayed is only the number of runs for that task instead of all all runs for dataset.
It might help to be able to see more details on the available datasets when you have to select them in analysis builder. Could be useful to expand the datasets table displayed in the analysis builder , potentially adding: