Closed shadow111 closed 7 years ago
What is exact error?
I got the same error (using vs 2013 ultimate, fresh xamarin, fresh xamarin-android-ffmpeg from NuGet). Here's a screenshot... sorry it's German. It says that the await operator can only be used inside an async method and that the return type should be changed to Task<System.Threading.Tasks.Task
Adding async to the method solves it. Maybe the code should be updated. The questionmarks are features of c# 6 which is not (really) available in vs 2013.
We are working on the fix, we will be uploading new version pretty soon.
Hello, i have install FFmpeg using this command Install-Package Xamarin.Android.FFmpeg and paste the video class on the main activity , but i have many error on those line of code
await FFMpeg.Xamarin.FFMpegLibrary.Run( contex, cmdParams , (s) => { logger?.Invoke(s); int n = Extract(s, "Duration:", ","); if (n != -1) { total = n; } n = Extract(s, "time=", " bitrate="); if (n != -1) { current = n; onProgress?.Invoke(current, total); } });