neutralinojs / neutralinojs-minimal

The simplest template for a Neutralinojs app
MIT License
50 stars 13 forks source link

neu: WARNING neutralino-win_x64.exe was stopped with error code 3221225781 #20

Open BLACKJACKDEVELOPER opened 1 year ago

BLACKJACKDEVELOPER commented 1 year ago

neu: INFO Starting process: neutralino-win_x64.exe --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension --neu-dev-auto-reload neu: WARNING neutralino-win_x64.exe was stopped with error code 3221225781

How to fix this error fcxom15ad4u9

shmox75 commented 1 year ago

Same here windows 11

liudonghua123 commented 1 year ago

Same with mine.

D:\code\node>neu create neu-myapp
neu: INFO Downloading neutralinojs/neutralinojs-minimal template to neu-myapp directory...
neu: INFO Extracting template zip file...
neu: INFO Downloading Neutralinojs binaries..
neu: INFO Extracting zip file...
neu: INFO Finalizing and cleaning temp. files.
neu: INFO Downloading the Neutralinojs client..
neu: INFO Finalizing and cleaning temp. files...
neu: INFO Enter 'cd neu-myapp && neu run' to run your application.
  _   _            _             _ _             _
 | \ | | ___ _   _| |_ _ __ __ _| (_)_ __   ___ (_)___
 |  \| |/ _ \ | | | __| '__/ _` | | | '_ \ / _ \| / __|
 | |\  |  __/ |_| | |_| | | (_| | | | | | | (_) | \__ \
 |_| \_|\___|\__,_|\__|_|  \__,_|_|_|_| |_|\___// |___/

D:\code\node>cd neu-myapp\

D:\code\node\neu-myapp>neu run
neu: INFO Starting process: neutralino-win_x64.exe  --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension --neu-dev-auto-reload
neu: WARNING neutralino-win_x64.exe was stopped with error code 3221225781


If I double click bin\neutralino-win_x64.exe or execute neutralino-win_x64.exe --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension --neu-dev-auto-reload, I got this error.

D:\code\node\neu-myapp>cd resources\

D:\code\node\neu-myapp\resources>..\bin\neutralino-win_x64.exe  --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension --neu-dev-auto-reload

shalithasuranga commented 1 year ago

Hey.. the latest framework version doesn't use this dll on Windows. Could you please check upgrading your project's Neutralinojs versions or creating a new app again?

Edit: I've just updated framework versions in this template via

Thanks :tada:

ratatoeskr666 commented 1 year ago

Same error here but I found the solution: create a new neu app by just simple using neu create myApp. Delete the bin folder of your production app and use the bin folder from myApp instead.

I guess I missused neu update or the update between 4.11 and 4.12 cannot be used for initializing a neutralino project. This were my steps to reproduce: