neutrinolabs / xrdp

xrdp: an open source RDP server
Apache License 2.0
5.6k stars 1.73k forks source link

Can't connect with MSTSC #195

Closed rchovan closed 7 years ago

rchovan commented 9 years ago

Hi, I have latest XRDP compiled with X11RDP-o-Matic Version. I can connect with windows FreeRDP client, but it often crash. I want to connect with native Microsoft Terminal Service Client (mstsc.exe), but it does not work. My system is 64bit Debian stable 7.7 with xfce4.

Here are debug logs: xrdp-sesman.log

[20141201-09:26:44] [WARN ] [init:46] libscp initialized
[20141201-09:26:44] [CORE ] starting sesman with pid 17250
[20141201-09:26:44] [INFO ] listening...
[20141201-09:41:17] [INFO ] shutting down sesman 1
[20141201-09:41:17] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
[20141201-09:41:17] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9


[20141201-09:27:03] [INFO ] A connection received from: remotepc port 52557
[20141201-09:27:03] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: remotepc:52557 - socket: 9
[20141201-09:27:03] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
[20141201-09:27:03] [INFO ] A connection received from: remotepc port 52558
[20141201-09:27:03] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
[20141201-09:27:04] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: remotepc:52558 - socket: 9
[20141201-09:27:04] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener
[20141201-09:27:04] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
[20141201-09:27:16] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
[20141201-09:27:16] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener
[20141201-09:41:17] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8


# xrdp.ini file version number

# minimum security level allowed for client
# can be 'none', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'fips'
# security layer can be 'tls', 'rdp' or 'negotiate'
# for client compatible layer
# X.509 certificate and private key
# openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

# regulate if the listening socket use socket option tcp_nodelay
# no buffering will be performed in the TCP stack

# regulate if the listening socket use socket option keepalive
# if the network connection disappear without close messages the connection will be closed


# colors used by windows in RGB format


# when true, userid/password *must* be passed on cmd line
# require_credentials=yes


# You can set the PAM error text in a gateway setup (MAX 256 chars)
#pamerrortxt=change your password according to policy at http://url

# fastpath - can be set to input / output / both / none
# configure login screen

# Login Screen Window Title
#ls_title=My Login Title

# top level window background color in RGB format

# width and height of login screen

# login screen background color in RGB format

# optional background image filename (bmp format).

# logo
# full path to bmp-file or file in shared folder

# for positioning labels such as username, password etc

# for positioning text and combo boxes next to above labels

# y pos for first label and combo box

# OK button

# Cancel button

# LogLevel and SysLogLevel could by any of: core, error, warning, info or debug

# Channel names not listed here will be blocked by XRDP.
# You can block any channel by setting its value to false.
# IMPORTANT! All channels are not supported in all use
# cases even if you set all values to true.
# You can override these settings on each session type
# These settings are only used if allow_channels=true

# for debugging xrdp, in section xrdp1, change port=-1 to this:
# port=/tmp/.xrdp/xrdp_display_10

# for debugging xrdp, add following line to section xrdp1
# chansrvport=/tmp/.xrdp/xrdp_chansrv_socket_7210








[Session manager]
name=Session manager

# You can override the common channel settings for each session type
vincentkersten commented 9 years ago

Please include your /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini If you have systemd, then try systemd-journalctl -f while connecting. It gives you more detail on other influential programs doing 'stuff' while connecting. I have a similar setup (debian stable + scarygliders xrdp ) and it works for me.

rchovan commented 9 years ago

Hi, I don't have systemd installed. sesman.ini is here:


# When AlwaysGroupCheck = false access will be permitted
# if the group TerminalServerUsers is not defined.
AlwaysGroupCheck = false


## X11DisplayOffset - x11 display number offset
# Type: integer
# Default: 10

## MaxSessions - maximum number of connections to an xrdp server
# Type: integer
# Default: 0

## KillDisconnected - kill disconnected sessions
# Type: integer
# Default: 0
# if 1, true, or yes, kill session after 60 seconds

## IdleTimeLimit - when to disconnect idle sessions
# Type: integer
# Default: 0
# if not zero, the seconds without mouse or keyboard input before disconnect
# not complete yet

## DisconnectedTimeLimit - when to kill idle sessions
# Type: integer
# Default: 0
# if not zero, the seconds before a disconnected session is killed
# min 60 seconds

## Policy - session allocation policy
# Type: enum [ "Default" | "UBD" | "UBI" | "UBC" | "UBDI" | "UBDC" ]
# Default: Xrdp:<User,BitPerPixel> and Xvnc:<User,BitPerPixel,DisplaySize>
# "UBD" session per <User,BitPerPixel,DisplaySize>
# "UBI" session per <User,BitPerPixel,IPAddr>
# "UBC" session per <User,BitPerPixel,Connection>
# "UBDI" session per <User,BitPerPixel,DisplaySize,IPAddr>
# "UBDC" session per <User,BitPerPixel,DisplaySize,Connection>





# drive redirection, defaults to xrdp_client if not set

vincentkersten commented 9 years ago

Maybe the problem is in the channels? Try allow_channels=false in xrdp.ini and restart xrdp. FYI /var/log/debug might also contain reasons for why the connection is not working.

rchovan commented 9 years ago

Hi, tried with allow_channels=false but it is same. Tried without login credentials, and with login credentials. I can't connect with mstsc.exe for the record, tried 2 versions of mstsc.exe 1: 5.1.2600.1106 2: 6.3.9600.16415

If you have another version, could you please upload/post it ?

vincentkersten commented 9 years ago

hmm does not sound very promising ... and freeRDP 'just works' ? But you also write it crashes frequently - which i think should not happen - maybe you can get some hints on why it is not working by waiting for freeRDP to chrash and see what happens in the logs then (for both freeRDP and xrdp)? The above does not give me a lot of ideas and i also do not think the issue is in the mstsc client.

speidy commented 9 years ago

Hi Rchovan,

There is a file called Default.rdp placed in my documents - please check that you've got this line in it:

negotiate security layer:i:1 On יום ו׳, 5 בדצמ׳ 2014 at 18:53 vincentkersten wrote:

hmm does not sound very promising ... and freeRDP 'just works' ? But you also write it crashes frequently - which i think should not happen - maybe you can get some hints on why it is not working by waiting for freeRDP to chrash and see what happens in the logs then (for both freeRDP and xrdp)? The above does not give me a lot of ideas and i also do not think the issue is in the mstsc client.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

rchovan commented 9 years ago

@vincentkersten yesterday I have tried connect from MAC OS X with Remote Doesktop Connection app. I can connect

@speidy Hi, thx for info. I have checked my file. It does not have entry about negotiate security layer. I have added it, but it does not work. Then I have played with command mstsc dev.rdp /v:ip /admin /f to create new file, and save credentials. I found this useful manual and played with parameters authentication level, negotiate security layer, promptcredentialonce, prompt for credentials
Still I can't connect with mstsc here is my dev.rdp file

screen mode id:i:2
session bpp:i:16
disable wallpaper:i:1
disable full window drag:i:1
allow desktop composition:i:0
allow font smoothing:i:0
disable menu anims:i:1
disable themes:i:0
disable cursor setting:i:0
full address:s:ip
autoreconnection enabled:i:1
authentication level:i:3
prompt for credentials:i:1
negotiate security layer:i:1
alternate shell:s:
shell working directory:s:
auto connect:i:0
use multimon:i:0
connection type:i:7
use redirection server name:i:0
rchovan commented 9 years ago

I have realised, that xrdp-o-matic generate deb packages. I have upload it here!4h9QSLRa!QOhZA3fkEhuSvEdfMM3hNw , could you please upload yours ? I'll try install your packages.

rchovan commented 9 years ago

recompiled again, with ./ --withdebug --justdoit , still can't connect, and no new informations in logs

[ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener
speidy commented 9 years ago

Can you run xrdp with -ns parameter from terminal? It's a foreground mode, I think you can see more info there. On שבת, 6 בדצמ׳ 2014 at 14:39 rchovan wrote:

recompiled again, with ./ --withdebug --justdoit , still can't connect, and no new informations in logs

[ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

rchovan commented 9 years ago

I hope, this will help. Here are logs: with credentials:

[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49846
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49846 - socket: 9
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
process started
in xrdp_rdp_create
cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
item ini_version value 1
item bitmap_cache value yes
item bitmap_compression value yes
item port value 3389
item allow_channels value true
item max_bpp value 32
item fork value yes
item crypt_level value high
item security_layer value rdp
item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem
item tcp_nodelay value yes
item tcp_keepalive value yes
item blue value 009cb5
item grey value dedede
item autorun value xrdp1
item bulk_compression value yes
item new_cursors value yes
item allow_multimon value true
item use_fastpath value both
item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5
item ls_width value 350
item ls_height value 430
item ls_bg_color value dedede
item ls_logo_filename value
item ls_logo_x_pos value 55
item ls_logo_y_pos value 50
item ls_label_x_pos value 30
item ls_label_width value 60
item ls_input_x_pos value 110
item ls_input_width value 210
item ls_input_y_pos value 220
item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142
item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_ok_width value 85
item ls_btn_ok_height value 30
item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237
item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85
item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30
 in xrdp_sec_create
  in xrdp_mcs_create
   in xrdp_iso_create
   out xrdp_iso_create
  out xrdp_mcs_create
  in xrdp_fastpath_create
  out xrdp_fastpath_create
 out xrdp_sec_create
out xrdp_rdp_create
in xrdp_rdp_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming:
   in xrdp_iso_incoming
   out xrdp_iso_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming: init tls security
ssl_tls_print_error: SSL_accept: I/O error
trans_set_tls_mode: ssl_tls_accept failed
xrdp_sec_incoming: trans_set_tls_mode failed
xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incomming failed
in xrdp_rdp_disconnect
 in xrdp_sec_disconnect
  in xrdp_mcs_disconnect
   in xrdp_iso_send
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed
  out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2
 out xrdp_sec_disconnect
out xrdp_rdp_disconnect
xrdp_mcs_delete processed
process done
[20141206-15:52:50] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49847
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49847 - socket: 9
[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
process started
in xrdp_rdp_create
cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
item ini_version value 1
item bitmap_cache value yes
item bitmap_compression value yes
item port value 3389
item allow_channels value true
item max_bpp value 32
item fork value yes
item crypt_level value high
item security_layer value rdp
item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem
item tcp_nodelay value yes
item tcp_keepalive value yes
item blue value 009cb5
item grey value dedede
item autorun value xrdp1
item bulk_compression value yes
item new_cursors value yes
item allow_multimon value true
item use_fastpath value both
item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5
item ls_width value 350
item ls_height value 430
item ls_bg_color value dedede
item ls_logo_filename value
item ls_logo_x_pos value 55
item ls_logo_y_pos value 50
item ls_label_x_pos value 30
item ls_label_width value 60
item ls_input_x_pos value 110
item ls_input_width value 210
item ls_input_y_pos value 220
item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142
item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_ok_width value 85
item ls_btn_ok_height value 30
item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237
item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85
item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30
 in xrdp_sec_create
  in xrdp_mcs_create
   in xrdp_iso_create
   out xrdp_iso_create
  out xrdp_mcs_create
  in xrdp_fastpath_create
  out xrdp_fastpath_create
 out xrdp_sec_create
out xrdp_rdp_create
in xrdp_rdp_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming:
   in xrdp_iso_incoming
   out xrdp_iso_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming: init rdp security
pub_mod bytes 64
pri_exp 64
  in xrdp_mcs_incoming
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
colorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp)
postBeta2ColorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp 0xca02 15bpp 0xca03 16bpp 0xca04 24bpp)
highColorDepth 0x0010 (0x0004 4bpp 0x0008 8bpp 0x000f 15bpp 0x0010 16 bpp 0x0018 24bpp)
supportedColorDepths 0x000f (0x0001 24bpp 0x0002 16bpp 0x0004 15bpp 0x0008 32bpp)
earlyCapabilityFlags 0x07ad (0x0002 want32)
got client client connection type 0x00000007
  client supports 40 bit encryption
  client supports 128 bit encryption
  client supports 56 bit encryption
  client supports fips encryption
  client and server support high crypt, using high crypt
processing channels, channel_code is 1
got channel flags 80800000 name rdpdr
got channel flags c0000000 name rdpsnd
got channel flags c0a00000 name cliprdr
got channel flags c0800000 name drdynvc
error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc006 size 8
error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc00a size 8
xrdp_sec_out_mcs_data: using 512 bit RSA key
  in xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response
    in xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
    out xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq
    in xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
    out xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq
  in xrdp_mcs_send_aucf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_aucf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
  out xrdp_mcs_incoming
client mcs data received
0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 81 58 00 08 00 10 00 01 c0 ....|...X.......
0010 00 44 75 63 61 81 4a 01 c0 ea 00 04 00 08 00 90 .Duca.J.........
0020 06 1a 04 01 ca 03 aa 1b 04 01 00 80 25 00 00 4e ............%..N
0030 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 53 00 56 .
0040 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 .K..............
0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ca 01 00 00 ................
00a0 00 00 00 10 00 0f 00 ad 07 37 00 63 00 61 00 39 .........7.c.a.9
00b0 00 65 00 62 00 31 00 61 00 2d 00 30 00 30 00 63 .e.b.1.a.-.0.0.c
00c0 00 66 00 2d 00 34 00 32 00 36 00 62 00 2d 00 38 .f.-.4.2.6.b.-.8
00d0 00 62 00 32 00 36 00 2d 00 37 00 30 00 61 00 39 .b.2.6.-.7.0.a.9
00e0 00 62 00 35 00 39 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 .b.5.9..........
00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0100 00 04 c0 0c 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 c0 0c ................
0110 00 1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 38 00 04 00 00 ...........8....
0120 00 72 64 70 64 72 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 72 64 70 .rdpdr.......rdp
0130 73 6e 64 00 00 00 00 00 c0 63 6c 69 70 72 64 72 snd......cliprdr
0140 00 00 00 a0 c0 64 72 64 79 6e 76 63 00 00 00 80 .....drdynvc....
0150 c0 06 c0 08 00 00 00 00 00 0a c0 08 00 05 03 00 ................
0160 00                                              .
server mcs data sent
0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 2a 14 76 0a 01 01 00 01 c0 ....|..*.v......
0010 00 4d 63 44 6e 81 08 01 0c 0c 00 04 00 08 00 00 .McDn...........
0020 00 00 00 03 0c 10 00 eb 03 04 00 ec 03 ed 03 ee ................
0030 03 ef 03 02 0c ec 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 ...............
0040 00 00 00 b8 00 00 00 e5 8e 81 4e d5 cd a8 fd 7b ..........N....{
0050 ce 08 06 12 8d da db a5 c8 20 13 79 6b 81 be fc ......... .yk...
0060 39 f4 7a 5c 30 8f 46 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 9.z\0.F.........
0070 00 00 00 06 00 5c 00 52 53 41 31 48 00 00 00 00 .....\.RSA1H....
0080 02 00 00 3f 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 6f d4 06 70 4b ...?.......o..pK
0090 94 7a 6a 6e cf 8c 65 fc 04 5a 3e 3a 0a 94 a7 b2 .zjn..e..Z>:....
00a0 f5 72 6f 70 56 33 0a 1f 53 52 bd 5b e9 71 9a f7 .ropV3..SR.[.q..
00b0 ea 64 7d 5a 82 2a b2 20 b1 81 5c 1a 3f a4 eb 6f .d}Z.*. ..\.?..o
00c0 4e 60 e2 7b ab 15 eb bb 07 65 b3 00 00 00 00 00 N`.{.....e......
00d0 00 00 00 08 00 48 00 59 50 13 3e ed 06 df 81 88 .....H.YP.>.....
00e0 75 3e ec ff a9 4f a1 22 c9 37 5f 99 7e 9a ac 7b u>...O.".7_.~..{
00f0 1f 3e 67 c2 26 81 95 5b 48 ff f6 1a 9a ba a9 ad .>g.&..[H.......
0100 eb c2 6f bf 76 1b 8e d7 be ee 95 44 8d 33 dd bc ..o.v......D.3..
0110 7c e7 7f 3c fe 8f 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    |..<..&........
 out xrdp_sec_incoming
xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us]
out xrdp_rdp_incoming mcs channel 1002
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  out xrdp_mcs_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv flags $201
 out xrdp_sec_recv
out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv
libxrdp_process_data code 0
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  out xrdp_mcs_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv flags $48
in xrdp_sec_process_logon_info flags $1347bb
flag RDP_LOGON_AUTO found
username coudy
flag RDP_LOGON_AUTO found
out xrdp_sec_process_logon_info
  in xrdp_mcs_send
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send
 out xrdp_sec_recv
out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv
libxrdp_process_data code 0
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
received Disconnect Provider Ultimatum
  out xrdp_mcs_recv appid != MCS_DPUM
 out xrdp_sec_recv : error
xrdp_sec_recv: xrdp_mcs_recv failed
out xrdp_rdp_recv error
xrdp_rdp_recv: xrdp_sec_recv failed
libxrdp_process_data: xrdp_rdp_recv failed
xrdp_process_data_in: xrdp_process_loop failed
in xrdp_rdp_disconnect
 in xrdp_sec_disconnect
  in xrdp_mcs_disconnect
   in xrdp_iso_send
[20141206-15:52:55] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed
  out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2
 out xrdp_sec_disconnect
out xrdp_rdp_disconnect
xrdp_mcs_delete processed
process done
[20141206-15:52:55] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener

and without credentials:

[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49895
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49895 - socket: 9
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
process started
in xrdp_rdp_create
cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
item ini_version value 1
item bitmap_cache value yes
item bitmap_compression value yes
item port value 3389
item allow_channels value true
item max_bpp value 32
item fork value yes
item crypt_level value high
item security_layer value rdp
item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem
item tcp_nodelay value yes
item tcp_keepalive value yes
item blue value 009cb5
item grey value dedede
item autorun value xrdp1
item bulk_compression value yes
item new_cursors value yes
item allow_multimon value true
item use_fastpath value both
item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5
item ls_width value 350
item ls_height value 430
item ls_bg_color value dedede
item ls_logo_filename value
item ls_logo_x_pos value 55
item ls_logo_y_pos value 50
item ls_label_x_pos value 30
item ls_label_width value 60
item ls_input_x_pos value 110
item ls_input_width value 210
item ls_input_y_pos value 220
item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142
item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_ok_width value 85
item ls_btn_ok_height value 30
item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237
item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85
item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30
 in xrdp_sec_create
  in xrdp_mcs_create
   in xrdp_iso_create
   out xrdp_iso_create
  out xrdp_mcs_create
  in xrdp_fastpath_create
  out xrdp_fastpath_create
 out xrdp_sec_create
out xrdp_rdp_create
in xrdp_rdp_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming:
   in xrdp_iso_incoming
   out xrdp_iso_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming: init tls security
ssl_tls_print_error: SSL_accept: I/O error
trans_set_tls_mode: ssl_tls_accept failed
xrdp_sec_incoming: trans_set_tls_mode failed
xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incomming failed
in xrdp_rdp_disconnect
 in xrdp_sec_disconnect
  in xrdp_mcs_disconnect
   in xrdp_iso_send
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed
  out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2
 out xrdp_sec_disconnect
out xrdp_rdp_disconnect
xrdp_mcs_delete processed
process done
[20141206-15:56:40] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49896
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49896 - socket: 9
[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8
process started
in xrdp_rdp_create
cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
item ini_version value 1
item bitmap_cache value yes
item bitmap_compression value yes
item port value 3389
item allow_channels value true
item max_bpp value 32
item fork value yes
item crypt_level value high
item security_layer value rdp
item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem
item tcp_nodelay value yes
item tcp_keepalive value yes
item blue value 009cb5
item grey value dedede
item autorun value xrdp1
item bulk_compression value yes
item new_cursors value yes
item allow_multimon value true
item use_fastpath value both
item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5
item ls_width value 350
item ls_height value 430
item ls_bg_color value dedede
item ls_logo_filename value
item ls_logo_x_pos value 55
item ls_logo_y_pos value 50
item ls_label_x_pos value 30
item ls_label_width value 60
item ls_input_x_pos value 110
item ls_input_width value 210
item ls_input_y_pos value 220
item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142
item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_ok_width value 85
item ls_btn_ok_height value 30
item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237
item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370
item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85
item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30
 in xrdp_sec_create
  in xrdp_mcs_create
   in xrdp_iso_create
   out xrdp_iso_create
  out xrdp_mcs_create
  in xrdp_fastpath_create
  out xrdp_fastpath_create
 out xrdp_sec_create
out xrdp_rdp_create
in xrdp_rdp_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming:
   in xrdp_iso_incoming
   out xrdp_iso_incoming
 in xrdp_sec_incoming: init rdp security
pub_mod bytes 64
pri_exp 64
  in xrdp_mcs_incoming
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
colorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp)
postBeta2ColorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp 0xca02 15bpp 0xca03 16bpp 0xca04 24bpp)
highColorDepth 0x0010 (0x0004 4bpp 0x0008 8bpp 0x000f 15bpp 0x0010 16 bpp 0x0018 24bpp)
supportedColorDepths 0x000f (0x0001 24bpp 0x0002 16bpp 0x0004 15bpp 0x0008 32bpp)
earlyCapabilityFlags 0x07ad (0x0002 want32)
got client client connection type 0x00000007
  client supports 40 bit encryption
  client supports 128 bit encryption
  client supports 56 bit encryption
  client supports fips encryption
  client and server support high crypt, using high crypt
processing channels, channel_code is 1
got channel flags 80800000 name rdpdr
got channel flags c0000000 name rdpsnd
got channel flags c0a00000 name cliprdr
got channel flags c0800000 name drdynvc
error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc006 size 8
error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc00a size 8
xrdp_sec_out_mcs_data: using 512 bit RSA key
  in xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response
    in xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
    out xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq
    in xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
    out xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq
  in xrdp_mcs_send_aucf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_aucf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf
  out xrdp_mcs_incoming
client mcs data received
0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 81 58 00 08 00 10 00 01 c0 ....|...X.......
0010 00 44 75 63 61 81 4a 01 c0 ea 00 04 00 08 00 90 .Duca.J.........
0020 06 1a 04 01 ca 03 aa 1b 04 01 00 80 25 00 00 4e ............%..N
0030 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 53 00 56 .
0040 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 .K..............
0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ca 01 00 00 ................
00a0 00 00 00 10 00 0f 00 ad 07 37 00 63 00 61 00 39 .........7.c.a.9
00b0 00 65 00 62 00 31 00 61 00 2d 00 30 00 30 00 63 .e.b.1.a.-.0.0.c
00c0 00 66 00 2d 00 34 00 32 00 36 00 62 00 2d 00 38 .f.-.4.2.6.b.-.8
00d0 00 62 00 32 00 36 00 2d 00 37 00 30 00 61 00 39 .b.2.6.-.7.0.a.9
00e0 00 62 00 35 00 39 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 .b.5.9..........
00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0100 00 04 c0 0c 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 c0 0c ................
0110 00 1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 38 00 04 00 00 ...........8....
0120 00 72 64 70 64 72 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 72 64 70 .rdpdr.......rdp
0130 73 6e 64 00 00 00 00 00 c0 63 6c 69 70 72 64 72 snd......cliprdr
0140 00 00 00 a0 c0 64 72 64 79 6e 76 63 00 00 00 80 .....drdynvc....
0150 c0 06 c0 08 00 00 00 00 00 0a c0 08 00 05 03 00 ................
0160 00                                              .
server mcs data sent
0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 2a 14 76 0a 01 01 00 01 c0 ....|..*.v......
0010 00 4d 63 44 6e 81 08 01 0c 0c 00 04 00 08 00 00 .McDn...........
0020 00 00 00 03 0c 10 00 eb 03 04 00 ec 03 ed 03 ee ................
0030 03 ef 03 02 0c ec 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 ...............
0040 00 00 00 b8 00 00 00 e5 d1 2a 63 6c 84 3e a3 d2 .........*cl.>..
0050 4c 40 b1 9a e4 1d b3 de 91 fe 9f 1f 73 7a 24 77$w
0060 d6 26 40 ea 94 03 cd 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 .&@.............
0070 00 00 00 06 00 5c 00 52 53 41 31 48 00 00 00 00 .....\.RSA1H....
0080 02 00 00 3f 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 6f d4 06 70 4b ...?.......o..pK
0090 94 7a 6a 6e cf 8c 65 fc 04 5a 3e 3a 0a 94 a7 b2 .zjn..e..Z>:....
00a0 f5 72 6f 70 56 33 0a 1f 53 52 bd 5b e9 71 9a f7 .ropV3..SR.[.q..
00b0 ea 64 7d 5a 82 2a b2 20 b1 81 5c 1a 3f a4 eb 6f .d}Z.*. ..\.?..o
00c0 4e 60 e2 7b ab 15 eb bb 07 65 b3 00 00 00 00 00 N`.{.....e......
00d0 00 00 00 08 00 48 00 59 50 13 3e ed 06 df 81 88 .....H.YP.>.....
00e0 75 3e ec ff a9 4f a1 22 c9 37 5f 99 7e 9a ac 7b u>...O.".7_.~..{
00f0 1f 3e 67 c2 26 81 95 5b 48 ff f6 1a 9a ba a9 ad .>g.&..[H.......
0100 eb c2 6f bf 76 1b 8e d7 be ee 95 44 8d 33 dd bc ..o.v......D.3..
0110 7c e7 7f 3c fe 8f 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    |..<..&........
 out xrdp_sec_incoming
xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us]
out xrdp_rdp_incoming mcs channel 1002
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  out xrdp_mcs_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv flags $201
 out xrdp_sec_recv
out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv
libxrdp_process_data code 0
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
  out xrdp_mcs_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv flags $48
in xrdp_sec_process_logon_info flags $347b3
username coudy
out xrdp_sec_process_logon_info
  in xrdp_mcs_send
   in xrdp_iso_send
   out xrdp_iso_send
  out xrdp_mcs_send
 out xrdp_sec_recv
out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv
libxrdp_process_data code 0
in xrdp_rdp_recv
 in xrdp_sec_recv
  in xrdp_mcs_recv
   in xrdp_iso_recv
   out xrdp_iso_recv
received Disconnect Provider Ultimatum
  out xrdp_mcs_recv appid != MCS_DPUM
 out xrdp_sec_recv : error
xrdp_sec_recv: xrdp_mcs_recv failed
out xrdp_rdp_recv error
xrdp_rdp_recv: xrdp_sec_recv failed
libxrdp_process_data: xrdp_rdp_recv failed
xrdp_process_data_in: xrdp_process_loop failed
in xrdp_rdp_disconnect
 in xrdp_sec_disconnect
  in xrdp_mcs_disconnect
   in xrdp_iso_send
[20141206-15:56:45] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9
xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed
  out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2
 out xrdp_sec_disconnect
out xrdp_rdp_disconnect
xrdp_mcs_delete processed
process done
[20141206-15:56:45] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate lis
speidy commented 9 years ago

I'm looking into it now. Btw, what is your mstsc version? (In MSTSC window, Click the computer icon in the upper-left corner of the title bar, and then click About.)

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 4:58 PM, rchovan wrote:

I hope, this will help. Here are logs: with credentials:

[20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49846 [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49846 - socket: 9 [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8 process started xrdp_process_main_loop in xrdp_rdp_create cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini item ini_version value 1 item bitmap_cache value yes item bitmap_compression value yes item port value 3389 item allow_channels value true item max_bpp value 32 item fork value yes item crypt_level value high item security_layer value rdp item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem item tcp_nodelay value yes item tcp_keepalive value yes item blue value 009cb5 item grey value dedede item autorun value xrdp1 item bulk_compression value yes item new_cursors value yes item allow_multimon value true item use_fastpath value both item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5 item ls_width value 350 item ls_height value 430 item ls_bg_color value dedede item ls_logo_filename value item ls_logo_x_pos value 55 item ls_logo_y_pos value 50 item ls_label_x_pos value 30 item ls_label_width value 60 item ls_input_x_pos value 110 item ls_input_width value 210 item ls_input_y_pos value 220 item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142 item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_ok_width value 85 item ls_btn_ok_height value 30 item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237 item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85 item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30 in xrdp_sec_create in xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_sec_create out xrdp_rdp_create in xrdp_rdp_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: in xrdp_iso_incoming out xrdp_iso_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: init tls security ssl_tls_print_error: SSL_accept: I/O error trans_set_tls_mode: ssl_tls_accept failed xrdp_sec_incoming: trans_set_tls_mode failed xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incomming failed in xrdp_rdp_disconnect in xrdp_sec_disconnect in xrdp_mcs_disconnect in xrdp_iso_send got XRDP SIGPIPE(13) [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9 xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2 out xrdp_sec_disconnect out xrdp_rdp_disconnect xrdp_mcs_delete processed process done [20141206-15:52:50] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49847 [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49847 - socket: 9 [20141206-15:52:50] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8 process started xrdp_process_main_loop in xrdp_rdp_create cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini item ini_version value 1 item bitmap_cache value yes item bitmap_compression value yes item port value 3389 item allow_channels value true item max_bpp value 32 item fork value yes item crypt_level value high item security_layer value rdp item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem item tcp_nodelay value yes item tcp_keepalive value yes item blue value 009cb5 item grey value dedede item autorun value xrdp1 item bulk_compression value yes item new_cursors value yes item allow_multimon value true item use_fastpath value both item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5 item ls_width value 350 item ls_height value 430 item ls_bg_color value dedede item ls_logo_filename value item ls_logo_x_pos value 55 item ls_logo_y_pos value 50 item ls_label_x_pos value 30 item ls_label_width value 60 item ls_input_x_pos value 110 item ls_input_width value 210 item ls_input_y_pos value 220 item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142 item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_ok_width value 85 item ls_btn_ok_height value 30 item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237 item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85 item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30 in xrdp_sec_create in xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_sec_create out xrdp_rdp_create in xrdp_rdp_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: in xrdp_iso_incoming out xrdp_iso_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: init rdp security pub_mod bytes 64 pri_exp 64 in xrdp_mcs_incoming in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv colorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp) postBeta2ColorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp 0xca02 15bpp 0xca03 16bpp 0xca04 24bpp) highColorDepth 0x0010 (0x0004 4bpp 0x0008 8bpp 0x000f 15bpp 0x0010 16 bpp 0x0018 24bpp) supportedColorDepths 0x000f (0x0001 24bpp 0x0002 16bpp 0x0004 15bpp 0x0008 32bpp) earlyCapabilityFlags 0x07ad (0x0002 want32) got client client connection type 0x00000007 xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data_CS_SECURITY: client supports 40 bit encryption client supports 128 bit encryption client supports 56 bit encryption client supports fips encryption client and server support high crypt, using high crypt processing channels, channel_code is 1 got channel flags 80800000 name rdpdr got channel flags c0000000 name rdpsnd got channel flags c0a00000 name cliprdr got channel flags c0800000 name drdynvc error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc006 size 8 error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc00a size 8 xrdp_sec_out_mcs_data: using 512 bit RSA key in xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response in xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq in xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq in xrdp_mcs_send_aucf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_aucf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf out xrdp_mcsincoming client mcs data received 0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 81 58 00 08 00 10 00 01 c0 ....|...X....... 0010 00 44 75 63 61 81 4a 01 c0 ea 00 04 00 08 00 90 .Duca.J......... 0020 06 1a 04 01 ca 03 aa 1b 04 01 00 80 25 00 00 4e ............%..N 0030 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 53 00 56 . 0040 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 .K.............. 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ca 01 00 00 ................ 00a0 00 00 00 10 00 0f 00 ad 07 37 00 63 00 61 00 39 .........7.c.a.9 00b0 00 65 00 62 00 31 00 61 00 2d 00 30 00 30 00 63 .e.b.1.a.-.0.0.c 00c0 00 66 00 2d 00 34 00 32 00 36 00 62 00 2d 00 38 .f.-.4.2.6.b.-.8 00d0 00 62 00 32 00 36 00 2d 00 37 00 30 00 61 00 39 .b.2.6.-.7.0.a.9 00e0 00 62 00 35 00 39 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 .b.5.9.......... 00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0100 00 04 c0 0c 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 c0 0c ................ 0110 00 1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 38 00 04 00 00 ...........8.... 0120 00 72 64 70 64 72 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 72 64 70 .rdpdr.......rdp 0130 73 6e 64 00 00 00 00 00 c0 63 6c 69 70 72 64 72 snd......cliprdr 0140 00 00 00 a0 c0 64 72 64 79 6e 76 63 00 00 00 80 .....drdynvc.... 0150 c0 06 c0 08 00 00 00 00 00 0a c0 08 00 05 03 00 ................ 0160 00 . server mcs data sent 0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 2a 14 76 0a 01 01 00 01 c0 ....|...v...... 0010 00 4d 63 44 6e 81 08 01 0c 0c 00 04 00 08 00 00 .McDn........... 0020 00 00 00 03 0c 10 00 eb 03 04 00 ec 03 ed 03 ee ................ 0030 03 ef 03 02 0c ec 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 ............... 0040 00 00 00 b8 00 00 00 e5 8e 81 4e d5 cd a8 fd 7b ..........N....{ 0050 ce 08 06 12 8d da db a5 c8 20 13 79 6b 81 be fc ......... .yk... 0060 39 f4 7a 5c 30 8f 46 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 9.z\0.F......... 0070 00 00 00 06 00 5c 00 52 53 41 31 48 00 00 00 00 ......RSA1H.... 0080 02 00 00 3f 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 6f d4 06 70 4b ...?.......o..pK 0090 94 7a 6a 6e cf 8c 65 fc 04 5a 3e 3a 0a 94 a7 b2 .zjn..e..Z>:.... 00a0 f5 72 6f 70 56 33 0a 1f 53 52 bd 5b e9 71 9a f7 .ropV3..SR.[.q.. 00b0 ea 64 7d 5a 82 2a b2 20 b1 81 5c 1a 3f a4 eb 6f .d}Z.. ...?..o 00c0 4e 60 e2 7b ab 15 eb bb 07 65 b3 00 00 00 00 00 N`.{.....e...... 00d0 00 00 00 08 00 48 00 59 50 13 3e ed 06 df 81 88 .....H.YP.>..... 00e0 75 3e ec ff a9 4f a1 22 c9 37 5f 99 7e 9a ac 7b u>...O.".7.~..{ 00f0 1f 3e 67 c2 26 81 95 5b 48 ff f6 1a 9a ba a9 ad .>g.&..[H....... 0100 eb c2 6f bf 76 1b 8e d7 be ee 95 44 8d 33 dd bc ..o.v......D.3.. 0110 7c e7 7f 3c fe 8f 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |..<..&........ out xrdp_sec_incoming xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us] out xrdp_rdp_incoming mcs channel 1002 xrdp_process_data_in in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_sec_recv flags $201 xrdp_sec_establish_keys: out xrdp_sec_recv out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv libxrdp_process_data code 0 in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_sec_recv flags $48 in xrdp_sec_process_logon_info flags $1347bb flag RDP_LOGON_AUTO found flag RDP_COMPRESSION found flag RDP_COMPRESSION set domain username coudy flag RDP_LOGON_AUTO found program directory out xrdp_sec_process_logon_info in xrdp_mcs_send in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send out xrdp_sec_recv out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv libxrdp_process_data code 0 in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv received Disconnect Provider Ultimatum out xrdp_mcs_recv appid != MCS_DPUM out xrdp_sec_recv : error xrdp_sec_recv: xrdp_mcs_recv failed out xrdp_rdp_recv error xrdp_rdp_recv: xrdp_sec_recv failed libxrdp_process_data: xrdp_rdp_recv failed xrdp_process_data_in: xrdp_process_loop failed in xrdp_rdp_disconnect in xrdp_sec_disconnect in xrdp_mcs_disconnect in xrdp_iso_send [20141206-15:52:55] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9 xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2 out xrdp_sec_disconnect out xrdp_rdp_disconnect xrdp_mcs_delete processed process done [20141206-15:52:55] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener

and without credentials:

[20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49895 [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49895 - socket: 9 [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8 process started xrdp_process_main_loop in xrdp_rdp_create cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini item ini_version value 1 item bitmap_cache value yes item bitmap_compression value yes item port value 3389 item allow_channels value true item max_bpp value 32 item fork value yes item crypt_level value high item security_layer value rdp item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem item tcp_nodelay value yes item tcp_keepalive value yes item blue value 009cb5 item grey value dedede item autorun value xrdp1 item bulk_compression value yes item new_cursors value yes item allow_multimon value true item use_fastpath value both item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5 item ls_width value 350 item ls_height value 430 item ls_bg_color value dedede item ls_logo_filename value item ls_logo_x_pos value 55 item ls_logo_y_pos value 50 item ls_label_x_pos value 30 item ls_label_width value 60 item ls_input_x_pos value 110 item ls_input_width value 210 item ls_input_y_pos value 220 item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142 item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_ok_width value 85 item ls_btn_ok_height value 30 item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237 item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85 item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30 in xrdp_sec_create in xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_sec_create out xrdp_rdp_create in xrdp_rdp_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: in xrdp_iso_incoming out xrdp_iso_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: init tls security ssl_tls_print_error: SSL_accept: I/O error trans_set_tls_mode: ssl_tls_accept failed xrdp_sec_incoming: trans_set_tls_mode failed xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incomming failed in xrdp_rdp_disconnect in xrdp_sec_disconnect in xrdp_mcs_disconnect in xrdp_iso_send got XRDP SIGPIPE(13) [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9 xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2 out xrdp_sec_disconnect out xrdp_rdp_disconnect xrdp_mcs_delete processed process done [20141206-15:56:40] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate listener [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] A connection received from: x.x.x.13 port 49896 [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: x.x.x.13:49896 - socket: 9 [20141206-15:56:40] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 8 process started xrdp_process_main_loop in xrdp_rdp_create cfg_file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini item ini_version value 1 item bitmap_cache value yes item bitmap_compression value yes item port value 3389 item allow_channels value true item max_bpp value 32 item fork value yes item crypt_level value high item security_layer value rdp item certificate value /etc/xrdp/cert.pem item key_file value /etc/xrdp/key.pem item tcp_nodelay value yes item tcp_keepalive value yes item blue value 009cb5 item grey value dedede item autorun value xrdp1 item bulk_compression value yes item new_cursors value yes item allow_multimon value true item use_fastpath value both item ls_top_window_bg_color value 009cb5 item ls_width value 350 item ls_height value 430 item ls_bg_color value dedede item ls_logo_filename value item ls_logo_x_pos value 55 item ls_logo_y_pos value 50 item ls_label_x_pos value 30 item ls_label_width value 60 item ls_input_x_pos value 110 item ls_input_width value 210 item ls_input_y_pos value 220 item ls_btn_ok_x_pos value 142 item ls_btn_ok_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_ok_width value 85 item ls_btn_ok_height value 30 item ls_btn_cancel_x_pos value 237 item ls_btn_cancel_y_pos value 370 item ls_btn_cancel_width value 85 item ls_btn_cancel_height value 30 in xrdp_sec_create in xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_iso_create out xrdp_mcs_create in xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_fastpath_create out xrdp_sec_create out xrdp_rdp_create in xrdp_rdp_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: in xrdp_iso_incoming out xrdp_iso_incoming in xrdp_sec_incoming: init rdp security pub_mod bytes 64 pri_exp 64 in xrdp_mcs_incoming in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv colorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp) postBeta2ColorDepth 0xca01 (0xca00 4bpp 0xca01 8bpp 0xca02 15bpp 0xca03 16bpp 0xca04 24bpp) highColorDepth 0x0010 (0x0004 4bpp 0x0008 8bpp 0x000f 15bpp 0x0010 16 bpp 0x0018 24bpp) supportedColorDepths 0x000f (0x0001 24bpp 0x0002 16bpp 0x0004 15bpp 0x0008 32bpp) earlyCapabilityFlags 0x07ad (0x0002 want32) got client client connection type 0x00000007 xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data_CS_SECURITY: client supports 40 bit encryption client supports 128 bit encryption client supports 56 bit encryption client supports fips encryption client and server support high crypt, using high crypt processing channels, channel_code is 1 got channel flags 80800000 name rdpdr got channel flags c0000000 name rdpsnd got channel flags c0a00000 name cliprdr got channel flags c0800000 name drdynvc error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc006 size 8 error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc00a size 8 xrdp_sec_out_mcs_data: using 512 bit RSA key in xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_connect_response in xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv_edrq in xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv_aurq in xrdp_mcs_send_aucf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_aucf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv in xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send_cjcf out xrdp_mcsincoming client mcs data received 0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 81 58 00 08 00 10 00 01 c0 ....|...X....... 0010 00 44 75 63 61 81 4a 01 c0 ea 00 04 00 08 00 90 .Duca.J......... 0020 06 1a 04 01 ca 03 aa 1b 04 01 00 80 25 00 00 4e ............%..N 0030 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 53 00 56 . 0040 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 .K.............. 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ca 01 00 00 ................ 00a0 00 00 00 10 00 0f 00 ad 07 37 00 63 00 61 00 39 .........7.c.a.9 00b0 00 65 00 62 00 31 00 61 00 2d 00 30 00 30 00 63 .e.b.1.a.-.0.0.c 00c0 00 66 00 2d 00 34 00 32 00 36 00 62 00 2d 00 38 .f.-.4.2.6.b.-.8 00d0 00 62 00 32 00 36 00 2d 00 37 00 30 00 61 00 39 .b.2.6.-.7.0.a.9 00e0 00 62 00 35 00 39 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 .b.5.9.......... 00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0100 00 04 c0 0c 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 c0 0c ................ 0110 00 1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 38 00 04 00 00 ...........8.... 0120 00 72 64 70 64 72 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 72 64 70 .rdpdr.......rdp 0130 73 6e 64 00 00 00 00 00 c0 63 6c 69 70 72 64 72 snd......cliprdr 0140 00 00 00 a0 c0 64 72 64 79 6e 76 63 00 00 00 80 .....drdynvc.... 0150 c0 06 c0 08 00 00 00 00 00 0a c0 08 00 05 03 00 ................ 0160 00 . server mcs data sent 0000 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 2a 14 76 0a 01 01 00 01 c0 ....|...v...... 0010 00 4d 63 44 6e 81 08 01 0c 0c 00 04 00 08 00 00 .McDn........... 0020 00 00 00 03 0c 10 00 eb 03 04 00 ec 03 ed 03 ee ................ 0030 03 ef 03 02 0c ec 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 ............... 0040 00 00 00 b8 00 00 00 e5 d1 2a 63 6c 84 3e a3 d2>.. 0050 4c 40 b1 9a e4 1d b3 de 91 fe 9f 1f 73 7a 24 77$w 0060 d6 26 40 ea 94 03 cd 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 .&@............. 0070 00 00 00 06 00 5c 00 52 53 41 31 48 00 00 00 00 ......RSA1H.... 0080 02 00 00 3f 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 6f d4 06 70 4b ...?.......o..pK 0090 94 7a 6a 6e cf 8c 65 fc 04 5a 3e 3a 0a 94 a7 b2 .zjn..e..Z>:.... 00a0 f5 72 6f 70 56 33 0a 1f 53 52 bd 5b e9 71 9a f7 .ropV3..SR.[.q.. 00b0 ea 64 7d 5a 82 2a b2 20 b1 81 5c 1a 3f a4 eb 6f .d}Z.*. ...?..o 00c0 4e 60 e2 7b ab 15 eb bb 07 65 b3 00 00 00 00 00 N`.{.....e...... 00d0 00 00 00 08 00 48 00 59 50 13 3e ed 06 df 81 88 .....H.YP.>..... 00e0 75 3e ec ff a9 4f a1 22 c9 37 5f 99 7e 9a ac 7b u>...O.".7.~..{ 00f0 1f 3e 67 c2 26 81 95 5b 48 ff f6 1a 9a ba a9 ad .>g.&..[H....... 0100 eb c2 6f bf 76 1b 8e d7 be ee 95 44 8d 33 dd bc ..o.v......D.3.. 0110 7c e7 7f 3c fe 8f 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |..<..&........ out xrdp_sec_incoming xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us] out xrdp_rdp_incoming mcs channel 1002 xrdp_process_data_in in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_sec_recv flags $201 xrdp_sec_establish_keys: out xrdp_sec_recv out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv libxrdp_process_data code 0 in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_sec_recv flags $48 in xrdp_sec_process_logon_info flags $347b3 flag RDP_COMPRESSION found flag RDP_COMPRESSION set domain username coudy program directory out xrdp_sec_process_logon_info in xrdp_mcs_send in xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_iso_send out xrdp_mcs_send out xrdp_sec_recv out (2) xrdp_rdp_recv libxrdp_process_data code 0 in xrdp_rdp_recv in xrdp_sec_recv in xrdp_mcs_recv in xrdp_iso_recv out xrdp_iso_recv received Disconnect Provider Ultimatum out xrdp_mcs_recv appid != MCS_DPUM out xrdp_sec_recv : error xrdp_sec_recv: xrdp_mcs_recv failed out xrdp_rdp_recv error xrdp_rdp_recv: xrdp_sec_recv failed libxrdp_process_data: xrdp_rdp_recv failed xrdp_process_data_in: xrdp_process_loop failed in xrdp_rdp_disconnect in xrdp_sec_disconnect in xrdp_mcs_disconnect in xrdp_iso_send [20141206-15:56:45] [INFO ] An established connection closed to endpoint: NULL:NULL - socket: 9 xrdp_mcs_disconnect - socket closed out xrdp_mcs_disconnect error - 2 out xrdp_sec_disconnect out xrdp_rdp_disconnect xrdp_mcs_delete processed process done [20141206-15:56:45] [ERROR] Listening socket is in wrong state we terminate lis

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Idan Freiberg Mobile: +972-52-2925213

rchovan commented 9 years ago

As I mentioned before, I use two versions: 1: 5.1.2600.1106 2: 6.3.9600.16415

speidy commented 9 years ago

form looking at the code, I think it might be related to RDP Licensing issue. (your mstsc client initiates disconnection)

can you try :

  1. change xrdp server IP address/hostname then connect
  2. delete this registry key on your client, then reboot and connect again: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSLicensing (

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 7:19 PM, rchovan wrote:

As I mentioned before, I use two versions: 1: 5.1.2600.1106 2: 6.3.9600.16415

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Idan Freiberg Mobile: +972-52-2925213

rchovan commented 9 years ago

changing ip or hostname is irrelevant, but I have tried it. Deleting registry key did not helped. I have today realised another maybe helpful thing. I can connect with mstsc from Windows XP computer not attached in domain. But still can't connect from Windows Server 2003 or Windows 7 computer attached in domain. I don't know if domain is relevant, but I think that os version relevant is.

speidy commented 9 years ago

Maybe the domain joined computers have some policies about RDP. (You can check using rsop.msc) I saw that after xrdp sent its license to your client, your mstsc client initiated disconnection. Maybe this registry key got back after restart because of some domain policy. On יום ג׳, 9 בדצמ׳ 2014 at 12:57 rchovan wrote:

changing ip or hostname is irrelevant, but I have tried it. Deleting registry key did not helped. I have today realised another maybe helpful thing. I can connect with mstsc from Windows XP computer not attached in domain. But still can't connect from Windows Server 2003 or Windows 7 computer attached in domain. I don't know if domain is relevant, but I think that os version relevant is.

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rchovan commented 9 years ago

checked, Allow users to connect remotely using Remote Desktop Service = Enabled Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication = Disabled

moobyfr commented 9 years ago

I verified on my side, using a computer (win7 64) joined to a AD, I have no problem logging on xrdp

speidy commented 9 years ago

Those are server side settings You may look for client configuration On יום ג׳, 9 בדצמ׳ 2014 at 17:32 rchovan wrote:

checked, Allow users to connect remotely using Remote Desktop Service = Enabled Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication = Disabled

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rchovan commented 9 years ago

checked with gpedit.msc configured are only those two options. All other options are Not configured

speidy commented 9 years ago

Gpedit is only local policy, you can't see domain policies there. Did you try to use rsop.msc? On יום ג׳, 9 בדצמ׳ 2014 at 18:39 rchovan wrote:

checked with gpedit.msc configured are only those two options. All other options are Not configured

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rchovan commented 9 years ago

I know that gpedit is local policy. If is something set in domain policy, it is set to local policy too. I have tried rsop.msc, but I was able see only those two RDP settings.

remasters3 commented 8 years ago

was this ever resolved?

rchovan commented 8 years ago

I can't answer, not using it anymore.

kusuriya commented 8 years ago

Funny enough Im getting this error and snagging the logs from my client Im getting back RDP ClientActiveX has been disconnected (Reason= 1798) which is disconnectReasonServerCertificateUnpackErr

metalefty commented 7 years ago

Reporter no longer use xrdp anymore, closing.