neutronscott / flip2

Utilities for rooting and sideloading APKs on TCL Flip 2
The Unlicense
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Do I need lk-neutron.img to make modifications to system? Or, is turning off write protect enough? #12

Closed androidars closed 1 day ago

androidars commented 1 month ago

I would like to be able to write, delete, or replace in system and vendor.

If I need lk-neutron.img, where can I find it?

neutronscott commented 1 month ago

I believe I erased all the stuff about the lk img once I found the vendor supplied script to allow writes. The lk img was a hex edit hack to ruin the range it applied write protections to during boot up because once it's set it cannot be unset. It's risky to mess with lk partition and the script is enough.