neutronscott / flip2

Utilities for rooting and sideloading APKs on TCL Flip 2
The Unlicense
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neutron.img flashes but I cannot see magisk stub or full installed?? #4

Closed mitchellurgero closed 1 year ago

mitchellurgero commented 1 year ago

Should I be expecting magisk to install with the boot image in your wiki? I followed the instructions as shown but something isn't working right - also no errors to speak of.

Unlock worked, flashing boot returned OK but cannot install apks and cannot find magisk. Any tips from anyone that has used this guide?

mitchellurgero commented 1 year ago

OK So I think I fixed this by also flashing the vbameta files from apps4flip

neutronscott commented 1 year ago

Likely just rebooting fix this. There seems to be a timing issue when starting magisk.

mitchellurgero commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response! I was reading through apps4flip and that does indeed seem to be the case as other users have seen as well. Flashing vbmeta is probably still not a bad idea if you're running certain modules, but not needed for root so case closed!

Thanks again!