neutronscott / flip2

Utilities for rooting and sideloading APKs on TCL Flip 2
The Unlicense
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Pointer Automation #8

Open levone1 opened 7 months ago

levone1 commented 7 months ago

Just thought I'd post here, in case helpful to anybody... I scanned through the a4f thread, (too much to read all), and read the README here, and see that there have been many ideas/attempts to get the built-in pointer to toggle via shortcut. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anyone who solidly got it working. Here's what I did that worked.

Now, every time I press the 'favorites' key, the cursor shows up. Make another host, with the '1' changed to '0', and set it to a different button shortcut, to stop cursor.

Thanks for your work

Btw - I did try your vMouse v2 module, and it works, kind-of... It will function as expected some of the time, and then freeze or malfunction seemingly at random. Pressing power, or long-press activation button kills/resets it. Also, v1 works perfectly the first time activated, but if deactivated, and attempted to use again, it won't click on anything - neither the 'Ok' nor the '1' will do anything.