neveldo / jQuery-Mapael

jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps
MIT License
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put fullscreen map into the center #298

Closed mxhryvo closed 7 years ago

mxhryvo commented 7 years ago

Hello, thanks for this wonderful plugin.

I have successfully managed to get my map into fullscreen mode, but now it doesnt stay in the center anymore (With "display: flex")

Here is the fiddle:

would be awesome if you could help me with that.

neveldo commented 7 years ago


Thanks, I'm glad you appreciate Mapael ! It seems that the .map container is 100% width, you should set a smaller width and a margin:auto; to the div in order to center it.

Otherwise, you can try (see :

.map svg{
    display: block;
    margin: auto;

But it don't seems to work, I don't know why ;(

mxhryvo commented 7 years ago

yeah it puts the map in the centre, but If you zoom in then you can see its not quite fullscreen because it is staying in its borders:

So the map gets cut of on higher zoom levels. I havent found out how to get a map in the center with having true fullscreen mode, like google maps or every other map.

neveldo commented 7 years ago


It seems to worker better when removing

          align-items: center;
          display: flex;

from .mapcontainer CSS

mxhryvo commented 7 years ago

hmm thats not working

When I put 50% width, its in the center but it gets cut off. And with 100% width, its fullscreen but not in the center.

neveldo commented 7 years ago


The issue seems to come from the code within $(window).on('resize', function() {...} , to re-compute SVG size on window resize. The SVG seems to get bad value for its width. Where does this algorithm come from ?

Indigo744 commented 7 years ago

@mxhryvo do you still need help or did you resolve your issue?

carlitoselmago commented 4 years ago

This issue persists, any solution to it or at least any solid workaround?