Hi i'm new using mapael, I have a question or issue, i'm trying to make the css Class property dinamic according to a flag in a DB in mysql to make to area clickable or not besides change the color to show if the area is available or not, i don't know if there is a way i can make CSSCLASS dinamic by the response of an ajax function
here is an example of my code
function check:(id){
var param ={id:id}
url: "get_available.php",
type: "POST",
success: function (result) {
return result
error: function (result) {
Hi i'm new using mapael, I have a question or issue, i'm trying to make the css Class property dinamic according to a flag in a DB in mysql to make to area clickable or not besides change the color to show if the area is available or not, i don't know if there is a way i can make CSSCLASS dinamic by the response of an ajax function
here is an example of my code
areas:{ "country-5": { href: "javascript:void(0)",
eventHandlers: { click: function(e, id, mapElem) {ver_modal(id)} },
cssClass:check(5) }, }