neveldo / jQuery-Mapael

jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps
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GetCoords and Mercator Projection ? #422

Open alfalf99 opened 3 years ago

alfalf99 commented 3 years ago


I have a SOUTHAMERICA map (png) from a mercator projection, and want to use it in Excel by applying on it an X/Y chart.

I want to use your very interesting getCoords function to translate the long/lat into X/Y coords (but I see it is for EQUIRECTANGULAR translation, not Mercator)

When I apply the factors and offsets calculated, points are not well positioned :( For example for Bazil points : image

Below my setting (I have set x2 and Y2 with Width/ Height of my map image): image

For example , for rio de Janeiro, I have the following long/lat : -43,23 / -22,9 If I apply factor, I get : 406,41 / 403,18

Is it normal ? Is there a way to get the right factor/offset to help on plot on a mercator projection ? Thank your for your valuable help.

neveldo commented 3 years ago

Hi, I think this is because the tutorial is for the maps using equi-rectangular projection only, it can be applied for other projections. For the mercator, you will have to define the proper algorithm to convert the coordinates.

Feel free to take a look at this pull-request that includes a map with a mercator projection to see how the getCoords() function is built :

alfalf99 commented 3 years ago

Thank you.

I have tried to translate the mercator getcoords function (from the link provided) in VBA. Coordinates of my south america submap are hardcoded in the VBA script.

But when I test RIO DE JANEIRO, lat, long = (-43.23, -22.9) I have the result : x= -0,753617936081045 y = -0,689338045886754 which is wrong, but perhaps I have missed something :( If it returns x, y I would expect values that are based on dim of my map: width = 510 and height : 792,25. so something like that : x= 400 and y = 600

Below the VBA code : `Option Explicit

'// Width of the map, in pixel Public Const WWwidth As Double = 1008.77 '// Height of the map, in pixel Public Const WWheight As Double = 651.44 '// Longitude of the left side of the map, in degree 'leftLongitude: -169.6, '// Longitude of the right side of the map, in degree 'rightLongitude: 190.25, '// Latitude of the top of the map, in degree 'topLatitude: 83.68, '// Latitude of the bottom of the map, in degree 'bottomLatitude: -55.55,

Public Sub teste()

Call getCoords(-43.23, -22.9) 'RIO DE JANEIRO lat, lon

End Sub

' ' Get x,y point from lat,lon coordinate ' ' Principle: ' (lat, lon) are inputs ' Projection(lat, lon) = (x', y') ' Transformation(x', y') = (x, y) ' ' Source: ' ' @param lat latitude value in degree ' @param lon longitude value in degree ' @return {x, y} coordinate in pixel ' Sub getCoords(lat As Double, lon As Double)

Dim xLeftPrime As Double, xRightPrime As Double, yTopPrime As Double, yBottomPrime As Double Dim leftLongitude As Double, rightLongitude As Double, topLatitude As Double, bottomLatitude As Double

Dim xPrime As Double, yPrime As Double Dim x As Double, y As Double

'---------------INPUT  MAP INFO MANUALLY
xLeftPrime = 0
bottomLatitude = -86.66

xRightPrime = 510.9827 '-- sub map width
rightLongitude = -32.16

yTopPrime = 0
topLatitude = 13.5

yBottomPrime = 792.25 '-- sub map height
bottomLatitude = -58

'Project map boundaries with projection (only once for performance)
'If (xLeftPrime Is Empty) Then xLeftPrime = projectLongitude(leftLongitude)
'If (xRightPrime Is Empty) Then xRightPrime = projectLongitude(rightLongitude)
'If (yTopPrime Is Empty) Then yTopPrime = projectLatitude(topLatitude)
'If (yBottomPrime Is Empty) Then yBottomPrime = projectLatitude(bottomLatitude)

'Compute x' and y' (projection-specific value)
xPrime = projectLongitude(lon)
yPrime = projectLatitude(lat)

'Compute x and y
x = (xPrime - xLeftPrime) * (WWwidth / (xRightPrime - xLeftPrime))
y = (yTopPrime - yPrime) * (WWheight / (yTopPrime - yBottomPrime))

Debug.Print x Debug.Print y 'return {x: x, y: y}

End Sub

' Transform a longitude coordinate into projection-specific x' coordinate ' Note: this is not in pixel ' ' @param lon longitude value in degree ' @return x' projection-specific value ' Public Function projectLongitude(lon As Double)

'Compute longitude in radian projectLongitude = lon * Excel.WorksheetFunction.Pi / 180 End Function

' ' Transform a latitude coordinate into projection-specific y' coordinate ' Note: this is not in pixel ' ' @param lat latitude value in degree ' @return y' projection-specific value ' Public Function projectLatitude(lat As Double) 'Compute latitude in radian and get its SINUS Dim latRadSinus As Double latRadSinus = Math.Sin(lat Excel.WorksheetFunction.Pi / 180) projectLatitude = 0.5 * Math.Log((1 + latRadSinus) / (1 - latRadSinus)) End Function `