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366 stars 1.4k forks source link doesn't have working HTTPS #46

Open KellerFuchs opened 7 years ago

KellerFuchs commented 7 years ago

The repo links to, but the DNS records point to, and the server doesn't have a certificate valid for

jomo commented 7 years ago

Cloudflare would be a possible way to get working https for free on github pages.

KellerFuchs commented 7 years ago

@jomo On principle, I'm not sure using a service known to make life hard for users of privacy-preserving technology (esp. Tor users) would be very nice there :-(

npdoty commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, GitHub pages doesn't support HTTPS for custom domains.

Could we host this off of GitHub pages? It seems particularly concerning since one of the pledges is:

to implement security and privacy best practices, in particular, for end-to-end encryption to be the default wherever possible.

jwineman commented 7 years ago

Shameless plug (I work for Cloudflare) but our Free plan has SSL and you could configure the github page to be the Cloudflare origin following the instructions here:

jomo commented 7 years ago

@jwineman am I missing something? How does that solve the issue with Tor users pointed out by @KellerFuchs?

npdoty commented 7 years ago

See related issue (from 2014) for GitHub Pages and HTTPS support:

jwineman commented 7 years ago

@jomo - Sorry, I should have elaborated more. The previous comment wasn't meant to address @KellerFuchs's TOR comments, only to give more detailed instructions around how to configure SSL for github pages on Cloudflare.

Without trying to derail the thread I'll just reiterate that we don't block TOR and we treat TOR IP addresses like any other IP address. In addition we have a challenge bypass specification proposal out which would allow bypassing challenge pages using signed tokens that guarantee anonymity to the user.

jomo commented 7 years ago

GitLab pages does support TLS.

junosuarez commented 7 years ago

Could I suggest changing the link in the repository description to point to the non-https URL until http is implemented? The site links to this repo, which is served on GitHub over HTTPS, which verifies authenticity. The usability concern of having a broken link in the mean time should be weighed against other concerns which HTTPS addresses.

Or, the site could be served from a GitHub pages subdomain with HTTPS rather than the custom domain name.

KellerFuchs commented 7 years ago

@jsdnxx Yeah, that's why I reported this in the first place :3

jacobmischka commented 7 years ago

I would personally vouch for netlify, their free plan is equivalent to github pages, but it supports SSL certificates on custom domains, and a few other niceties. They also offer their third tier for free to open source projects.

I've switched all of my github pages sites to netlify and have been very happy so far.

FiloSottile commented 7 years ago

You can (and probably should for a static website) completely whitelist Tor on Cloudflare.

Please don't hesitate to contact me or @jwineman for questions or help setting it up.

remram44 commented 7 years ago

For a static website you have no reason to enable ANY of CloudFlare's security/captcha features. It's what I do. Just let it terminate TLS and cache.

Also you can whitelist TOR, if for some reason you want to enable security features (why would you? you don't have anything to protect)

tdfischer commented 7 years ago

(why would you? you don't have anything to protect)

Whitelisting Tor (not TOR) is not meant to protect the site. It is meant to protect people at risk who might read this page while under the surveillance of a State that seeks to persecute and harm dissidents.

remram44 commented 7 years ago

I wrote "why would you [enable security features]".

FiloSottile commented 7 years ago

They have had support for HTTPS when using subdomains for a bit, but still nothing for custom domains like

jwineman commented 7 years ago

yeah deleted the comment when I realized it didnt fix the issue.

konklone commented 7 years ago

One downside of using CloudFlare with GHP is that it wouldn't be encrypted all the way back to the origin. Specifically, it'd be in plain text between whatever CloudFlare point of presence the user is near, and somewhere on GitHub's CDN (Fastly).

You could pay a few bucks for a service like, which does direct HTTPS termination for $13/month:

FiloSottile commented 7 years ago

Minor correction: it would not be plain text, as you can use the default "Full SSL" mode, which is HTTPS to the origin. It would however be unauthenticated, as you can't use "Strict SSL" because GitHub only has certificates for

Ethanb00 commented 7 years ago

FWIW, BitDefender is now flagging the site. I get a "Caution is Advised" warning.

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

It seems like the HTTPS issues are resolved, so the references in README and description can be changed back to show that (best-practice, http is not-done anymore :slightly_smiling_face: )

remram44 commented 6 years ago

See announcement:

remram44 commented 6 years ago

PR #2587 updates the links!

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

thanks @remram44 :+1:

after merging the PR last but not least there is the repository description to adjust..