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Tab bar doesn't appear on iPhone #10

Open JagCesar opened 6 years ago

JagCesar commented 6 years ago

Not sure if this is a feature or a bug. It happens because we decide the width of the tab bar based on the background image. But the background image has a ~ipad suffix, so there is no image available for iPhone.

nevyn commented 6 years ago

Ahh. Yeah on iPhone we used to conditionally always create a UITabBarController if(iPad), and a SPSideTabController otherwise.

Either the class could be made to work on iPhone as is (really, any size class regardless of platform); oooor... the behavior could change between compact and normal size classes to be along bottom or along side, depending on which makes sense for the width/height proportion. Or, it could always be on the same side as the home button :P 'cause it's always going to be a short side. I kinda like it?? :P

Dunno, what do you think?