Saline nerfed. From 6 to 2 blood loss modification level.
Thirst quench also reduced to 2.
All common NT species blood types can be converted into a uniform "treated blood" reagent via electrolysis. Don't think about that one too hard.
All medical recipes that called for "blood" now use "treated blood", necrosol and oculine can now be made with the treated blood from any species and not just common red blood.
Treated blood and tricord are now a reaction reagent that creates "blood plasma". Which has a blood loss modification of 6, consistent with the current upstream saline.
30u of blood plasma and 1 sheet of plastic may be used to create a stack of bloodpacks in the medical assembler. This recipe is somewhat inefficient but does allow for the treatment of corpses.
Todo: It was suggested that saline might use an overdose component. But this may also be too much of a removal from the expected upstream behavior.
Why / Balance
While examining the blood changes that went into the cryox nerf the potency to cost of saline seemed a bit off balance. This was my personal answer to that issue. Creating both a novel use for blood, a more potent (but not overly costly) limiter and a new way to utilize blood that overcomes the issues of blood types in medical recipes.
How to test
Put blood through an electrolyzer. Turn into blood plasma. Attempt to craft a blood pack. Help yourself to a cookie.
About the PR
Todo: It was suggested that saline might use an overdose component. But this may also be too much of a removal from the expected upstream behavior.
Why / Balance
How to test
Put blood through an electrolyzer. Turn into blood plasma. Attempt to craft a blood pack. Help yourself to a cookie.
Breaking changes
This PR is going to impact #2452, which will remain in draft until these changes are considered desirable or rejected.