new-killboard / requirements

Requirements for the new Killboard
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Data Validation #14

Open erichkknaar opened 13 years ago

erichkknaar commented 13 years ago

Then there's the data problem. How do you validate data? We came up with some neat ideas about cryptographic signing of mails, but frankly the only way to do it is to have full keys held by a trusted third party; and this is EVE. There is no such thing as a trusted third party. CCP basically designed an API system for KBs that is utterly incompatible with the idea of KBs except as isolated little corp/alliance-only units, and even those have problems for days. If CCP published a cryptographic hash and ID for each kill, and put the kill ID in the mail/API feeds, you could validate kills against tampering easily. But it's not happening.

I'm all for trying, but good luck - you will need it.

(and no, I never wrote a killboard, though most of the stuff required to produce a killboard was there in EVE Metrics. We never got around to our grand plan which was to add a full killboard and tie it directly into the market so that the prices you got for everything were as perfect as could be, and the market could then tie back into global KB stats- see spikes in losses of ships or modules and corresponding price changes, movement, etc all pulled into one view. That would've been worth it for the fun alone, but I don't run EVE Metrics any more so it's a moot point. Having EM act as a KB also helped the validation side of things - we had a well-trusted and secure API handling system designed for extreme scalability, and that gave us a lot of flexibility for being API sourced -only-, which would have been ideal. Absolutely no possibility of faked mails.)

-- Ix Forres

erichkknaar commented 13 years ago

This can easily be handled when CCP update the API Keys:

Simply put, the new killboard should require kill log API keys with accounts. I'm not sure when CCP will roll this out, but its unlikely we will have a 1.0 killboard before then, but then again, :ccp:

erichkknaar commented 13 years ago

Ok. This makes a lot of what has been discussed about secure/non-abusable kill comments, etc. possible. It should make creating an account a no brainer.

Marlona-Sky commented 13 years ago

So with the API thingy they will release, they can just enter the part that pertains to the kill mails only and not freak out over their wallet transactions and skills among other things? I have not had a chance to full read that dev blog yet.