new-sankaku / stable-diffusion-webui-simple-manga-maker

It is an Extension feature used in the WebUI for Stable Diffusion. You can create simple comics with it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 5 forks source link

High resolution upscale not working. #15

Closed 0m3ga4 closed 1 month ago

0m3ga4 commented 1 month ago

### ORIGINAL: I can't seem to do anything that will make this work. image

For some reason it is a text box where you can type instead of a selection list like the model and sampling method. It doesn't matter what I type into the box, it doesn't do a high resolution upscale. I'm not sure how to enable it. I've tried typing the exact names of the upscalers I use in a regular Txt2Img generation, but nothing happens.

I would appreciate any help, and if the feature is simply not working at the moment I recommend a toggle checkbox for enabling or disabling it.

(As a side-note, it would be extremely useful to have a button in various places that allows you to repeat a previous render using the same seed, when paired with a high-resolution upscale toggle this allows you to test the prompt at low resolution before committing to the longer render times of an upscale).


何をやってもこれがうまくいきません。 image

何故かモデルやサンプリングメソッドの選択リストではなく、入力できるテキストボックスになっています。 ボックスに何を入力しても、高解像度のアップスケールはできません。どうやって有効にするのかわかりません。 通常のTxt2Img生成で使用するアップスケーラーの正確な名前を入力してみましたが、何も起こりません。




どうにもうまくいかないのです。 image

なぜか、モデルやサンプリング方法のような選択リストではなく、入力できるテキストボックスになっています。 何を入力しても、高解像度のアップスケールは行われません。有効化する方法がわかりません。 通常のTxt2Img生成で使用するアップスケーラーの名前を正確に入力してみましたが、何も起こりません。



new-sankaku commented 1 month ago

thank you for contacting! I understand the problem. I'll fix it! I think this will be fixed soon.

(As a side-note, it would be extremely useful to have a button in various places that allows you to repeat a previous render using the same seed, when paired with a high-resolution upscale toggle this allows you to test the prompt at low resolution before committing to the longer render times of an upscale).

The area for layers is narrow, isn't it? Let's consider a feature like PromptHold!

0m3ga4 commented 1 month ago

thank you for contacting! I understand the problem. I'll fix it! I think this will be fixed soon.

(As a side-note, it would be extremely useful to have a button in various places that allows you to repeat a previous render using the same seed, when paired with a high-resolution upscale toggle this allows you to test the prompt at low resolution before committing to the longer render times of an upscale).

The area for layers is narrow, isn't it? Let's consider a feature like PromptHold!

Thank you! I forgot to mention it would be important and helpful to have these settings available for the high-resoultion upscale: image

new-sankaku commented 1 month ago

Fixed the Upscale process to work!

0m3ga4 commented 1 month ago

Awesome work, thank you very much!