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Editable Reblogs post error #1875

Open kuraidalkai opened 4 years ago

kuraidalkai commented 4 years ago

  Please describe what actions we can take to reproduce the bug you found, including any links or screenshots that might help us figure out what's going on.

Placed under a Read More and won't let me post.

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [[MORE]]<div class="xkit-button default xreadmore block" xreadmore-url="lordofoblivion" xreadmore-id="622581637101813760">
                    Read More Now!
                </div><div class="media-holder media-holder-draggable media-holder-hr" contenteditable="false" draggable="true">[[MORE]]</div><p>{☁}&nbsp; She felt maybe she was forgetting something important, but couldn't quite think of what it possibly was. So she pushed it aside for now. Though there was certainly a mix between re-awakened teenage hormones and the venom still polluting her bloodstream… After it was all over, perhaps they both could get some sleep and have a talk…. But for the time being--<b><br></b></p><p>Elrena hitched her upper thigh up between his legs gently, humming contently as she lifted from him slightly, bruising well started- moving onto the other side of his neck.&nbsp;</p><p>Her left hand slipped down, unbuttoning his shirt a couple of times as she bit and sucked a bit more deeply at the other side of his neck, nails trailing the bruised skin and collar bone as she lifted her head from the other side with a smile.&nbsp;</p><p>"You are such a pretty boy… You know that?" She laughed quietly to herself as she shook her head, raking her nails gently across the exposed skin; pausing over his heart.</p><p>There it was, a heartbeat. So longingly missed.. She wasn't letting it go now.</p>
    at (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:13061)
    at se.tokenize (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:21072)
    at (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:21901)
    at [as find] (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:6893)
    at k.fn.init.find (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:24471)
    at new k.fn.init (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:24960)
    at k (chrome-extension://inobiceghmpkaklcknpniboilbjmlald/jquery.js:2:950)
    at Object.wrap_html_links (xkit/editable_reblogs.js:206:15)
    at Object.build_common_svc_request (xkit/editable_reblogs.js:462:31)
    at Object.build_svc_request (xkit/editable_reblogs.js:388:22)
System Data  
state success
ER Version 3.3.13
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36
XKit Version 7.9.2
Patches Version 7.4.3
Extensions xkit_main, xkit_patches, xkit_preferences, xkit_updates, xinbox, one_click_postage, one_click_reply, tweaks, go_to_dash, autoscroll, blacklist, editable_reblogs, elevator, find_inactives, norecommended, satsukimous, shorten_posts, soft_refresh, themes, activity_plus, anti_capitalism, drafts_plus, auto_tagger, mass_deleter, quick_tags, retags, tag_replacer, mutualchecker, shuffle_queue, mass_plus, outbox, view_my_tags, read_more_now
kuraidalkai commented 4 years ago
