new-xkit / XKit

Fork of XKit, the extension framework for Tumblr
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New XKit Survey #730

Open Wolvan opened 9 years ago

Wolvan commented 9 years ago

We attempted to do one already (which was messy and honestly not thought through very well) which failed.

There's a few questions to be asked here:

  1. Should we even do a Survey?
  2. What questions should the survey contain?
  3. How should it be organized?
  4. How will we create this survey?
  5. How will we publish the survey?
  6. Any additional questions I have not thought of?
Wolvan commented 9 years ago

Should we even do a Survey?

I think it's a good idea and might help us out having some information in the long run.

What questions should the survey contain?

I'd like to have some general tumblr usage statistics at least, Extension usage and maybe also questions about contribution to the project. See as an example survey. (This is the failed one)

How should it be organized?

See above as an example for the categories (I'd say 1 category of questions per page)

How will we create this survey?

My suggestion is Google Forms, they work well and neatly present the analytics and bars and graphs and all that good stuff.

How will we publish the survey?

I'd say a post on -extension and maybe send the link through paperboy once we have that up and running

bvtsang commented 9 years ago

When I think of surveys, I think of asking for feedback in order to solve a specific set of problems. We can currently do this by making a post on -discussion or -extension, so I'm not sure if a survey (in the Google Forms sense) is needed. For example, we've made a post on -discussion asking about removing Satsukimous and got valuable feedback from it.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't see a specific problem we need feedback on.

Wolvan commented 9 years ago

Survey might be the wrong word here. The thing is, with a post we get feedback to 1, maybe 2 things. The survey could give us a broad range of information to work with