new92 / IGFI

🤖 IGFI: Instagram Followers Increaser 📈 | Written in Python 🐍 | Don't forget to ⭐ the repo !
MIT License
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Requirement #7

Closed Frido-Cpp closed 1 year ago

Frido-Cpp commented 1 year ago

Need Connection Retries and Not Exit:

When there is a Network issue, the script exits saying "ConnectionError", Is there any way I can make It retry connection rather than exiting? I've tried my best to no avail.

new92 commented 1 year ago

Okay, in which program does this error appear (AccountID, InstagramFollowers(V1-V2) or Logo) ? You can edit the code of the program where the error appears and when you find an error handling technique (try-except) you can modify the exception as you wish !