newaetech / chipwhisperer

ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks
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Add Support For Using Multiple ChipWhisperers #194

Closed alex-dewar closed 5 years ago

alex-dewar commented 5 years ago

The patch that allows multiple ChipWhisperers to be connected hasn't been moved over to CW5. This shouldn't be too hard, could probably just add an optional serial number argument to cw.scope that gets passed down through to the actual connection method.

The important bit (that actually connects stuff is):

alex-dewar commented 5 years ago

Will probably be harder than I first thought. After fixing dictionary name changes (mostly `d.serial_number to d['sn']), this traceback is printed:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\", line 295, in txrx
    response =
  File "c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\", line 316, in open
    snlist = [d['sn'] + " (" + d['product']+ ")\n" for d in devlist]
  File "c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\", line 316, in <listcomp>
    snlist = [d['sn'] + " (" + d['product']+ ")\n" for d in devlist]
  File "c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pyusb-1.0.2-py3.7.egg\usb\", line 1098, in __getitem__
    return Configuration(self, index)
  File "c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pyusb-1.0.2-py3.7.egg\usb\", line 586, in __init__
  File "c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pyusb-1.0.2-py3.7.egg\usb\backend\", line 456, in get_configuration_descriptor
    if config >= dev.descriptor.bNumConfigurations:
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-8285344a4613> in <module>
      1 import chipwhisperer as cw
----> 2 scope = cw.scope(sn="44203120484d39433130353232323035")
      3 #target =

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\ in scope(type, sn)
    121     """
    122     scope = type()
--> 123     scope.con(sn)
    124     return scope

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\ in con(self, sn)
     60         for channel in self.channels:
     61             channel.register()
---> 62         if self._con(sn):
     63             self.connectStatus.setValue(True)

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\ in _con(self, sn)
    125     def _con(self, sn=None):
    126         if self.scopetype is not None:
--> 127             self.scopetype.con(sn)
    129             # TODO Fix this hack

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\openadc_interface\ in con(self, sn)
     86                 else:
     87                     sn = None
---> 88                 found_id =, serial_number=sn)
     89             except (IOError, ValueError):
     90                 raise Warning('Could not connect to "%s". It may have been disconnected, is in an error state, or is being used by another tool.' % self.getName())

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\cwhardware\ in con(self, *args, **kwargs)
     50     def con(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 51         return self._cwusb.con(*args, **kwargs)
     53     def dis(self):

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\ in con(self, idProduct, connect_to_first, serial_number)
    572                 raise Warning("Found multiple potential USB devices. Please specify device to use. Possible S/Ns:\n" + snlist)
--> 574['sn'])
    575         foundId = dev['pid']

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\ in open(self, serial_number)
    154         """Opens USB device"""
    155         cmdpacket = self.make_cmd(self.OPEN, serial_number)
--> 156         return self.process_rx(self.txrx(tx=cmdpacket))
    158     def close(self, serial_number):

c:\users\user\code\term2\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\ in process_rx(self, inp)
    148         if resp == self.ERROR:
--> 149             raise payload
    151         return payload

TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
alex-dewar commented 5 years ago

The above error seems to have been caused by unnecessary changes in Commit 7e6135f75c23e5b5dff300076e8ffce12e6a756f adds support for multiple OpenADC scopes (Nano not yet supported).

alex-dewar commented 5 years ago

Nano support added by df75fa067d26c26ee2c1812b659c1ff5467d6229