newaetech / chipwhisperer

ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks
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Add PQC side channel examples & GPU computing support #492

Open M0nteCarl0 opened 1 week ago

M0nteCarl0 commented 1 week ago

Dear developers of Chipwhisper! Can you say about plans adding support PQC side channel examples and GPU support?

Best regards

colinoflynn commented 1 week ago

For CPU support - for attacks you mean? Our attack library is very low-performance (it's more for demonstration). There are some nice libraries that work well if you need performance (I'd recommend 'scared', currently as it has a very simple install now). You can also see LASCAR (we had some examples of that) and a few others.

We don't have PQC examples ourselves yet, but have seen some examples like at . There were a few others floating around as well, but we haven't tried running them yet.

M0nteCarl0 commented 1 week ago

Dear, I am currently using esHard SCAred or Riscure Jlsca (customized) But I want to have ability doing that using standard CW framework I know for implementation gueser maybe using cupy for example or numba

M0nteCarl0 commented 5 days ago

I am contact with esHard team for collaboration with me on some features SCAred framework.