newaetech / chipwhisperer

ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks
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Glitch Controller Minor Bugs #495

Open alex-dewar opened 2 days ago

alex-dewar commented 2 days ago

From Discord:

a minor documentation bug to report. GlitchController.glitch_plot() docstring states: "x_bound (list or None): Boundarys for x-axis in plot" apart from an obvious typo, it's worth noting a list won't actually be accepted -- only a 2-tuple of (min, max). same for y_bound. another funny bug is, calling GlitchController.set_step() explodes in your face if you didn't call GlitchController.set_global_step() even though there is no obvious need to call it. but it's the only place that assigns self._num_steps used by set_step().