newbelgium / gimbal-sdk-xamarin

Xamarin bindings for the Gimbal SDKs
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Java.Lang.SecurityException: MODE_WORLD_READABLE no longer supported #1

Open Harish-Chouhan opened 6 years ago

Harish-Chouhan commented 6 years ago

[Register ("setApiKey", "(Landroid/app/Application;Ljava/lang/String;)V", "")] public static unsafe void SetApiKey (global::Android.App.Application p0, string p1) { if (id_setApiKey_Landroid_app_Application_Ljava_langString == IntPtr.Zero) id_setApiKey_Landroid_app_Application_Ljava_langString = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID (class_ref, "setApiKey", "(Landroid/app/Application;Ljava/lang/String;)V"); IntPtr native_p1 = JNIEnv.NewString (p1); try { JValue* args = stackalloc JValue [2]; args [0] = new JValue (p0); args [1] = new JValue (native_p1); JNIEnv.CallStaticVoidMethod (class_ref, id_setApiKey_Landroid_app_Application_Ljava_langString, args); } finally { JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (native_p1); } }

khnbb commented 6 years ago

We are no longer utilizing this package. If you are interested in taking it over I'd be happy to transfer. Otherwise you can always fork and fix. Cheers!