Doesn't seem to me like it should be, but it is - can't get through an interation reasonably at all.
Also note the bigger problem: in a singalling game if p1 bids on A+C and p2 bids on B+C and their budgets are somewhat reasonable, the game could go on that way for a very long time...
{"increment": 0.1, "bidding": "unrestricted", "information_policy": "hide_demand", "licenses": [1,1,1,1], "activity": [100,100,1,100], "opening_price": [100,100,1,100], "undersell_rule": "undersell_allowed", "players": [{"type": [{"value": [200,0,0,0], "budget": 101, "prob": 0.5}, {"value": [0,200,0,0], "budget": 101, "prob": 0.5}]}, {"type": [{"value": [200,0,0,0], "budget": 101, "prob": 1.0}]}]}
Doesn't seem to me like it should be, but it is - can't get through an interation reasonably at all.
Also note the bigger problem: in a singalling game if p1 bids on A+C and p2 bids on B+C and their budgets are somewhat reasonable, the game could go on that way for a very long time...