newonee / Caspian

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eye of azshara (HM) #21

Open PayamSepehri opened 4 years ago

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Boss 1 trash mob bugs

AlirezaAbsolution commented 4 years ago

Hatecoil Warrior(Trash)(111637) : Spell Enrage(176048) : be mahz inke hp add miad zire 50% in bayad cast beshe vali randome hata ro 20% cast mishe ya 35% vali bayad be mahz inke omad -50% hp cast beshe

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Warlord Parjesh(boss 1)( 91784) : Spelle Crashing Wave 191900 zire paye boss ham bayad damage bede az 0 yardi damage mizane

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Gritslime Snail(91786) spelle Abrasive Slime(195473) Moghe cast visual bug dare varoosh bar migarde

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Hatecoil Wavebinder(97170) spell Feedback(196035) vaghti npc shield buble mikone faghat zamani ke shildesho playera ba damage az beyn bebaran spell feedback roosh miofte agar dispel konan ya interupt beshe kar nemikone tanha ba damage kar mikone Bubble Shield(196031)

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Boss 2 Lady Hatecoil(91789) spell Monsoon(196610) bayad nazdiktarin targeto follow kone va az roo shena ke rad mishe shena ro nabood mikone

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Makrana Hardshell 95947 spell Armorshell(196175) : in spell vaghti intrupt nashe ye shield mindaze ke bayad 1 mellion damage bokhore ta betereke age bardashte she Armorshell Shrapnel(196183) rooye npc miofte ke damae be hame mizane

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Mak'rana Siltwalker(91790) spell Spray Sand(196129) visual bug roosh be samte dg mishe damagesh doroste spell Sandstorm(196144) in spell bayad aoe roo hame kar kone too range 12 yardi Blinding Sands(196154) in debuff ro mindaze roo hame

PayamSepehri commented 4 years ago

Boss 3 Serpentrix( 91808 ) Arcane Hydra(97260)-Spell Arcane Blast(192005) in npc har bar ke arcane blast cast mikone debuffe Arcane Charge(192007) stack migire

AlirezaAbsolution commented 4 years ago

Bitterbrine Slave(106785): in trash ha az 3 spell Lethargic Toxin(196058), Numbing Toxin(196060) va Sea-Brine Toxin(196059) 2 spell ra dar zamane respawn shodan entekhab mikonan va dar tole fight use mikonan vali inja hameye trash ha faghat spell sevom ra estefade mikonand

AlirezaAbsolution commented 4 years ago

Shellmaw(Mini Boss)(91788): Spell Corrosive Trail(200031): vaghti move mishe mini boss bayad poshte saresh shet ro zamin bendaze ke kar nemikone

newonee commented 4 years ago

Hatecoil Warrior(Trash)(111637) : Spell Enrage(176048) : be mahz inke hp add miad zire 50% in bayad cast beshe vali randome hata ro 20% cast mishe ya 35% vali bayad be mahz inke omad -50% hp cast beshe


newonee commented 4 years ago

am bayad damage bede az 0 yardi damage mizane

spell fixe :

newonee commented 4 years ago

Gritslime Snail(91786) spelle Abrasive Slime(195473) Moghe cast visual bug dare varoosh bar migarde


newonee commented 4 years ago

Hatecoil Wavebinder(97170) spell Feedback(196035) vaghti npc shield buble mikone faghat zamani ke shildesho playera ba damage az beyn bebaran spell feedback roosh miofte agar dispel konan ya interupt beshe kar nemikone tanha ba damage kar mikone Bubble Shield(196031)


newonee commented 4 years ago

Boss 2 Lady Hatecoil(91789) spell Monsoon(196610) bayad nazdiktarin targeto follow kone va az roo shena ke rad mishe shena ro nabood mikone


newonee commented 4 years ago

Boss 3 Serpentrix( 91808 ) Arcane Hydra(97260)-Spell Arcane Blast(192005) in npc har bar ke arcane blast cast mikone debuffe Arcane Charge(192007) stack migire


newonee commented 4 years ago

Mak'rana Siltwalker(91790) spell Spray Sand(196129) visual bug roosh be samte dg mishe damagesh doroste spell Sandstorm(196144) in spell bayad aoe roo hame kar kone too range 12 yardi Blinding Sands(196154) in debuff ro mindaze roo hame


newonee commented 4 years ago

Makrana Hardshell 95947 spell Armorshell(196175) : in spell vaghti intrupt nashe ye shield mindaze ke bayad 1 mellion damage bokhore ta betereke age bardashte she Armorshell Shrapnel(196183) rooye npc miofte ke damae be hame mizane
