Closed webrtcccccc closed 1 year ago
Is it possible to directly use system_modem_api_set_short_gi(int vif_id, uint8_t short_gi, bool gi_auto_flag) to set, if so, what is the meaning of the second parameter short_gi?
It has been tested that when short_gi=1, set short gi, and when short_gi=0, set long gi. Thanks
system_modem_api_set_short_gi(0, 0, false) //long gi system_modem_api_set_short_gi(0, 1, false) //short gi
Dear newracom,
Is there an API to set the guard interval? I can only use the UART console command to set the guard interval. nrc7292_standalone_xip>help set gi Usage: set gi {short|long|auto|capa} [0|1]
Thanks, best regards.