logcontext-v2/nrlogrus can now collect user attributes
logcontext-v2/nrslog can now collect user attributes
use slog to manage Go agent logs with the new nrslog library
use zerolog go manage Go agent logs with the new nrzerolog library
support for RegisterTLSConfig in nrmysql
logcontext-v2/nrlogrus will still print user logs without isses if the Go agent has already been shut down.
switched protobuff to google.golang.org/protobuff in modfile
Support statement
We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.
in nrmysqlFixed
Support statement
We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves. See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.