newrelic / newrelic-maui-plugin

New Relic Mobile instrumentation for MAUI
Apache License 2.0
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Invalid Privacy Manifest - Testflight Rejecting iOS Builds #28

Open DavePilks opened 1 month ago

DavePilks commented 1 month ago


Trying to submit to Testflight, the build is available for about 5 minutes before it is kicked out due to it being an "Invalid Binary". An email is then sent out saying:


We noticed one or more issues with a recent submission for TestFlight review for the following app:

<< AppName >> << AppVersion >> << AppBuildNumber >> Please correct the following issues and upload a new binary to App Store Connect.

ITMS-91056: Invalid privacy manifest - The PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file from the following path is invalid: “Frameworks/NewRelic.framework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy”. Keys and values in any privacy manifest must be in a valid format. For more details about privacy manifest files, visit:

Apple Developer Relations

Your Environment

Currently using v0.0.9

Additional context

Seems to be related to this issue logged in the React Native library repo

ndesai-newrelic commented 1 month ago

@DavePilks we will look into this.

DavePilks commented 1 month ago

Thank you as this is obviously a major blocker for us at the moment

ndesai-newrelic commented 1 month ago

@DavePilks i tried to reproduce the issue on our side but I am not getting the error while I submit app for review.

can you tell me how are you building the app? are you using windows machine or mac machine ?

DavePilks commented 1 month ago


So that is the odd thing. If I verify the build using Transporter, I dont get any errors. When I submit for review I dont get any errors and it is available for download. But after about 5-10 minutes, Apple kicks out the build stating that its an invalid binary and the email I attached above is sent out.

can you tell me how are you building the app? are you using windows machine or mac machine ?

I am building off a M2 Mac and using the DotNet CLI

dotnet publish -f net8.0-ios -c Release -p:ArchiveOnBuild=true -p:RuntimeIdentifier=ios-arm64 '-p:CodesignKey="Apple Distribution: <<NAME>>"' -p:CodesignProvision="<<PROFILE NAME>>"

And this has been working for us until this week where it seems that Apple has started enforcing their Privacy Manifest policy.

ndesai-newrelic commented 3 days ago

@DavePilks are you still having this issue?