newrelic / nr1-cloud-optimize

NR1 Cloud Optimize allows you to Identify right-sizing opportunities and potential savings of your AWS, GCP, and Azure instances across your cloud environment.
Apache License 2.0
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Is there a way to use an API to obtain the cost recommendations (or to download/export the results)? #91

Closed stevesonnenbergmd closed 2 years ago

stevesonnenbergmd commented 3 years ago

[NOTE]: # Can the information be obtained via API?

I don't see a documented way to programmatically obtain the recommendations

Kav91 commented 3 years ago

Hi @stevesonnenbergmd this is not a bug. These NR1 apps are just front end apps that do the processing, no backend stores them. So there is no API exposed to programmatically get the recommendations without opening the application and exporting the CSV. This button is top right of the table.

We could write the results to nerdstorage and then they could be accessed over graphql, but that would still require someone running the application.

There has been some brief discussions about doing the processing on a backend service, or splitting the processing logic into a lambda that the user could run. This would probably get closer to solving this requirement.

cc/ @aso1124

Kav91 commented 2 years ago

This has been implemented in the V3 release #106.

Direct queries can be made to nerdgraph nerdstorage with a user api key, the nerdpack uuid, and the relevant collections that contain the data.

eg. for jobStatus (update the accountId)

curl '' \
  -H 'API-Key: NRAK-.....' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'newrelic-package-id: 7e874b6e-c010-4933-a15d-ea5b2e54d029' \
  --data-raw $'{"query":"query PlatformCollectionAccountStorageQuery($accountId: Int\u0021, $collection: String\u0021) { actor { account(id: $accountId) { id nerdStorage { collection(collection: $collection) { id document __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } }","variables":{"accountId":11111111,"collection":"jobStatus"}}' \

eg. results for a workload guid the documentId is from a jobId you would find from the prior query and ends with _1 as results can be sharded over multiple documents.

  --data-raw $'{"query":"query PlatformDocumentAccountStorageQuery($entityGuid: EntityGuid\u0021, $collection: String\u0021, $documentId: String\u0021, $scopeByActor: Boolean\u0021) { actor { entity(guid: $entityGuid) { guid nerdStorage { document(collection: $collection, documentId: $documentId, scopeByActor: $scopeByActor) __typename } __typename } __typename } }","variables":{"entityGuid":"MTYwNjg2MnxOUjF8V09SS0xPQUR8NDkyMjg","collection":"optimizerResults","documentId":"108a7314-28b0-48f0-9c78-7e7ee14b9b43_1","scopeByActor":false}}' \

more info here: