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search using enhance rather than md ES directly #406

Open AbhiAgarwal opened 7 years ago

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

more custom code can be written there

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

starting to move this using that platform. I'm gonna keep the "ALL" query. But, more sophisticated queries will now go through enhance similar to retrieving company details was.

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

the hardest part is going to be how to have a good framework to batch queries together. Might have to just POST elastic queries that are sent and parsed on enhance server then returned. Not too sure what kind of data to send, but assuming it has to be POST.

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

pretty difficult to batch things like this together. Totally not sure how to do priorities using ES either