news-ai / tabulae

API for media list management
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enable sparkpost #414

Closed AbhiAgarwal closed 7 years ago

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

write it in help that they have to help us set it up

have a tag in their user that has sparkpost-enabled in their account

it's 100% better at reducing spam, but work is required from the other sides end. nothing required in setup on tabulae-site. just need to add something to dns

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

added this setting. will need to confirm that the domain is verified. add domain verifying initially when doing a post to see if the email is valid and added.

can't do multiple email handling here. will have to only base on primary email. since probably can't edit dns of important clients (?)

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago

to choose to either use their web api or use their smtp version. both are pretty similar in terms of how much code to write, but api might be better for fault tolerance. will need more attachment code, though. and might have more limits that are hard to deal with. on the other hand, the smtp doesn't have as many limits, but will be hard for fault tolerance

AbhiAgarwal commented 7 years ago
