news-catalyst / next-tinynewsdemo

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Newsletters should be part of homepage feeds #1244

Open TylerFisher opened 2 years ago

TylerFisher commented 2 years ago

Users should be able to feature newsletter editions and recent newsletters should appear in the recent articles feed.

chelsea-tnc commented 2 years ago
pdeharo333 commented 2 years ago
  1. This is a feature request
  2. There were a couple of founders who requested this. Basically the archive newsletter page is this. and every time someone publishes a newsletter using Letterhead is becomes added to the archive page (when redeployed). This is independent of the way articles are published, which uses Google docs. So, there is currently is no way to feature the published newsletter in the recent articles feed on the homepage.
  3. Yes, homepage feeds refers to the homepage and how you can click on article titles in the feed or feature an article story. The idea is to do the same with published newsletters.
chelsea-tnc commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @pilar333 !

TylerFisher commented 2 years ago

Pilar's got it here. I would just add that this is very much doable. You would just need to adjust the GraphQL query that pulls in homepage articles to also pull in newsletters. That GraphQL query is here.