Open mgood7123 opened 5 years ago
as when I render audio the audio is cropped even though the same file rendered in your app is full length, and both use the same settings and the same audio file
apparently it is an issue with how my samples are obtained, as both play exactly the same yet
val samples1 = audioSample
val samples2 = media.samples
samples1 = {short[192000]@11138} samples2 = {short[96001]@11139}
with a 48khz stereo 1.818 ms raw audio sample
why do i need to give double the sample size for it to render correctly?
val a = mutableListOf<Short>()
// this WILL read incur a buffer overrun by twice its size
// | [] [] [] [] | -> | [] [] [] [] | [] [] [] [] |
// | DATA | -> | DATA | RANDOM DATA |
// a.size == Oboe_SampleCount()*2
for (i in 0 until ((Oboe_SampleCount()*2)-1)) a.add(Oboe_SampleIndex(i))
wave.samples = a.toTypedArray().toShortArray()
how would I go about incorporating your waveform view into my audio player application?