nexB / aboutcode

AboutCode project: tools and data to uncover things about code: the provenance, origin, license, and more (packages, security, quality, etc.) of FOSS code
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Improve how we references issues in commit message and code #106

Open pombredanne opened 2 years ago

pombredanne commented 2 years ago


Today we use #12 as a reference to an issue. When the code is move to another repo, 12 will point to another issue. We should consider switching to something using full URLs in code comments and this Reference: just above the signoff in commits

kamalbuilds commented 1 year ago

@pombredanne can i work on this?

geekofycoder commented 1 year ago

Here we should write the initials of the project which could be understood by the public in a simplified manner for example-git repository issue on xyz reference can be addressed as git_repo_xyz_prob. I think this could help