nexB / aboutcode

AboutCode project: tools and data to uncover things about code: the provenance, origin, license, and more (packages, security, quality, etc.) of FOSS code
154 stars 93 forks source link

Update #124

Open BirdboyBolu opened 1 year ago

BirdboyBolu commented 1 year ago

I fixed several grammar problems, misspellings, and missing punctuation marks. For example, the word "vulnerability" was constantly misspelled as "vulneribility". Also, some project names were supposed to start with capital letters not small. I fixed all those and made some sentences clearer and easier to read.

I also want to further express my interest in applying for the Technical Writer role via the Google Season of Docs 2023. I know NexB/AboutCode applied to be a mentoring organization and I can see that this project strongly needs a Technical writer. I more than willing to handle this for you. I already submitted my Statement of Interest as requested, I am only reiterating my interest to join NexB/AboutCode.

Also, if unfortunately, Google does not select AboutCode as part of the mentoring organization for #GSOD2023, I am still willing to join this organization and improve its documentation. (I am willing to WORK for Free) if NexB/AboutCode does not have the budget to hire a technical writer. Please reach out to me via: I look forward to hearing from you and don't hesitate to reach me if you need further clarifications concerning my STATEMENT OF INTEREST application. Cheers.

Fixes #0000
