nexB / aboutcode

AboutCode project: tools and data to uncover things about code: the provenance, origin, license, and more (packages, security, quality, etc.) of FOSS code
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migrating to aboutcode-org #136

Open adaaaam opened 1 month ago

adaaaam commented 1 month ago

Short Description

Migrate FOSS projects under nexB organization on GitHub to aboutcode-org on GitHub.

How This Feature will help you/others

Transferring ownership of AboutCode projects on GitHub from nexB to aboutcode-org will demonstrate to the community our FOSS for FOSS commitment with the projects in a FOSS organization on GitHub instead of commercial entity.

This will facilitate displaying individual projects on the new site. We will also revisit the plan to better index the docs for AboutCode projects:

Possible Solution/Implementation Details

GitHub published docs on how to transfer ownership between organizations:

GitHub should create automatic redirects following their docs: All links to the previous repository location are automatically redirected to the new location. When you use git clone, git fetch, or git push on a transferred repository, these commands will redirect to the new repository location or URL. However, to avoid confusion, we strongly recommend updating any existing local clones to point to the new repository URL.

There could be some issues with integrations and their tokens, including:

There could be some issues with migrating permissions and collaborators in the new organization.

Example/Links if Any

More documentation on transferring a repo owned by your org:

Can you help with this Feature

I can help with some testing but this would require someone with advanced git (and git troubleshooting) skills.

Actual repos to migrate

This list is sorted so we start with a few smaller, less critical repos to validate the move process:

mjherzog commented 4 weeks ago

@pombredanne Do we have a punch list of the tasks for a repo migration? Check list of complications to check?