nexB / aboutcode

AboutCode project: tools and data to uncover things about code: the provenance, origin, license, and more (packages, security, quality, etc.) of FOSS code
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Space between title and subtopics( UI, UX) #62 added #93

Closed Subhraneel77 closed 2 years ago

Subhraneel77 commented 2 years ago

Fixes #0000


AyanSinhaMahapatra commented 2 years ago

@johnmhoran check this out too, if we need this.

johnmhoran commented 2 years ago

@AyanSinhaMahapatra I don't understand what this is. Is this a commit made back in December 2021 to the CSS template file I just designed a week or so ago?

AyanSinhaMahapatra commented 2 years ago

Yeah, we already have a standard CSS file, closing this.