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:mag: ScanCode detects licenses, copyrights, dependencies by "scanning code" ... to discover and inventory open source and third-party packages used in your code. Sponsored by NLnet project, the Google Summer of Code, Azure credits, nexB and others generous sponsors!
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CPL and EPL 2.0 instead of EPL 1.0 detected in Eclipse Hawkbit pom.xml #2552

Open hanna-modica opened 3 years ago

hanna-modica commented 3 years ago


ScanCode reports wrong license in Eclipse Hawkbit pom.xml file, although it states Eclipse Public License v1.0.


How To Reproduce

Scan with ScanCode

System configuration

The scan was done on Linux with the OSS Review Toolkit using ScanCode as the scanner.

pombredanne commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Another rules that could benefit from a more restrictive minimum coverage of ~ 90 (e.g. 90% of the words are required to match)

          "key": "epl-1.0",
          "score": 40.0,
          "name": "Eclipse Public License 1.0",
          "short_name": "EPL 1.0",
          "category": "Copyleft Limited",
          "is_exception": false,
          "owner": "Eclipse Foundation",
          "homepage_url": "",
          "text_url": "",
          "reference_url": "",
          "scancode_text_url": "",
          "scancode_data_url": "",
          "spdx_license_key": "EPL-1.0",
          "spdx_url": "",
          "start_line": 28,
          "end_line": 31,
          "matched_rule": {
            "identifier": "epl-1.0_or_lgpl-2.1-plus_4.RULE",
            "license_expression": "epl-1.0 OR lgpl-2.1-plus",
            "licenses": [
            "is_license_text": false,
            "is_license_notice": false,
            "is_license_reference": false,
            "is_license_tag": true,
            "is_license_intro": false,
            "matcher": "3-seq",
            "rule_length": 50,
            "matched_length": 20,
            "match_coverage": 40.0,
            "rule_relevance": 100
          "matched_text": "licenses>\n      <license>\n         <name>Eclipse Public License - [Version] 1.0</name>\n         <url></url>"

Note though that when using the --package option, I get a correct detection (because it is aware of the POM data structure):

      "packages": [
          "type": "maven",
          "namespace": "org.eclipse.hawkbit",
          "name": "hawkbit-parent",
          "version": "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT",
          "qualifiers": {},
          "subpath": null,
          "primary_language": "Java",
          "description": "hawkBit :: Parent",
          "release_date": null,
          "parties": [
              "type": "person",
              "role": "developper",
              "name": null,
              "email": "",
              "url": null
              "type": "person",
              "role": "developper",
              "name": null,
              "email": "",
              "url": null
              "type": "person",
              "role": "developper",
              "name": null,
              "email": null,
              "url": null
              "type": "person",
              "role": "developper",
              "name": null,
              "email": "",
              "url": null
              "type": "person",
              "role": "developper",
              "name": null,
              "email": "",
              "url": null
          "keywords": [],
          "homepage_url": null,
          "download_url": null,
          "size": null,
          "sha1": null,
          "md5": null,
          "sha256": null,
          "sha512": null,
          "bug_tracking_url": null,
          "code_view_url": "",
          "vcs_url": "git+",
          "copyright": null,
          "license_expression": "epl-1.0",
          "declared_license": [
              "name": "Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0",
              "url": "",
              "comments": null,
              "distribution": null
          "notice_text": null,
          "root_path": null,
          "dependencies": [
              "purl": "pkg:maven/com.vaadin/vaadin-bom",
              "requirement": "8.12.3",
              "scope": "import",
              "is_runtime": true,
              "is_optional": false,
              "is_resolved": false
              "purl": "pkg:maven/",
              "requirement": "Hoxton.SR7",
              "scope": "import",
              "is_runtime": true,
              "is_optional": false,
              "is_resolved": false
          "contains_source_code": null,
          "source_packages": [
          "extra_data": {},
          "purl": "pkg:maven/org.eclipse.hawkbit/hawkbit-parent@0.3.0-SNAPSHOT",
          "repository_homepage_url": "",
          "repository_download_url": "",
          "api_data_url": ""