nexcess / magento-turpentine

A Varnish extension for Magento.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ESI Cache Policy seems not work with private blocks #1403

Open gianstraf opened 7 years ago

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Hi, in my Magento 1.9 CE installation (Nexcessnet_Turpentine v. 0.7.1), I've a serious problem about caching of this blocks:

<reference name="header">
            <action method="setEsiOptions">
                        <controller_action_layout_render_before_catalogsearch_result_index />

I expect that one version per client is stored in cache. I see that Varnish does not cache that block, but return for it an hit_for_pass. New request is done to backend server, each time that same user refresh page.

I tried to debugging with this request (frontend cookie is valid):

curl -I --cookie "frontend=s0mn492vgh4os624ep75n1n074"

It seems that beresp.http.X-Turpentine-Cache is always 0. This the vcl fragment:

sub vcl_fetch {
           if (beresp.http.X-Turpentine-Esi == "1") {
                set beresp.do_esi = true;
            if (beresp.http.X-Turpentine-Cache == "0") {
                set beresp.ttl = 15s;
                return (hit_for_pass);
            } else {
   return (deliver);

I see this code in controllers/EsiController.php (around row 104):


and in Model/Observer/Esi.php (around row 233):

  if ($esiHelper->shouldResponseUseEsi() &&
                $blockObject instanceof Mage_Core_Block_Template &&
                $esiOptions = $blockObject->getEsiOptions()) {
      // change the block's template to the stripped down ESI template
            switch ($esiOptions[$methodParam]) {
                case 'ajax':

                case 'esi':
                    // flag request for ESI processing
                    Mage::register('turpentine_esi_flag', true, true);

Debugging I see that: $blockObject->getEsiOptions() is always empty, and code:

         // flag request for ESI processing
       Mage::register('turpentine_esi_flag', true, true);

won't be never reached. As a result for this, function setFlagHeaders in Model/Observer/Esi.php will return always this response header :

X-Turpentine-Esi = 0

and esi block request won't be ever cached. This causes a big number of unuseful requests to backend server, overloading it. Are you aware of this problem?


gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, any idea about this issue ? Nobody met the same problems ?

Thanks, Gianluca

miguelbalparda commented 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure your problem is somewhere else, probably in the architecture of the theme you are using. What have you tried so far to debug this?

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Hi Miguel, I've enabled this flags in System > Configuration > Varnish Options:

After, I opened source of a site page to catch ESI url for header esi block (or others esi block with scope private):

I got the value of the magento frontend cookie, and used it to simulate varnish esi request with curl (by command line).

Starting by this request, I followed Nexcessnet_Turpentine module starting by EsiController, to view because response header X-Turpentine-Esi was always 0 (I've analyzed code, inserting Mage::log in module).

With that header varnish does not cache request beacouse it meets this vcl code:

sub vcl_fetch {
           if (beresp.http.X-Turpentine-Esi == "1") {
                set beresp.do_esi = true;
            if (beresp.http.X-Turpentine-Cache == "0") {
                set beresp.ttl = 15s;
                return (hit_for_pass);
            } else {
   return (deliver);

Thank you, Gianluca

miguelbalparda commented 7 years ago

Can you try using the ESI decoder to see what does that request means? When I say this might be because of your theme structure, it is because of the structure of your theme, when you try to cache a block that is actually inside or nested in another block with a different cache policy, things might go south.

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Here output of esi-decoder.php:

array (
  'block_type' => 'Mage_Page_Block_Html_Header',
  'complex_registry' => 
  array (
  'design_package' => 'GeneralTheme',
  'design_theme' => 'default',
  'dummy_blocks' => 
  array (
  'esi_method' => 'esi',
  'flush_events' => 
  array (
    0 => 'customer_login',
    1 => 'customer_logout',
    2 => 'wishlist_item_save_after',
    3 => 'wishlist_item_delete_after',
    4 => 'sales_quote_save_after',
    5 => 'controller_action_layout_render_before_catalogsearch_result_index',
    6 => 'persistent_session_expired',
  'layout_handles' => 
  array (
    0 => 'default',
    1 => 'THEME_frontend_GeneralTheme_default',
    4 => 'customer_logged_out',
    13 => 'cms_index_index',
  'name_in_layout' => 'header',
  'simple_registry' => 
  array (
  'store_id' => '7',
gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Proceding with the analisy, I've verified that the block isn't inside or nested in another block with a different cache policy. I find the same problems with others ESI private blocks. Here the esi-decode result for the block "recently viewed products" :

array (
  'block_type' => 'Nexcessnet_Turpentine_Block_Product_Viewed',
  'complex_registry' => 
  array (
  'design_package' => 'GeneralTheme',
  'design_theme' => 'default',
  'dummy_blocks' => 
  array (
  'esi_method' => 'esi',
  'flush_events' => 
  array (
    0 => 'customer_login',
    1 => 'customer_logout',
    2 => 'catalog_controller_product_view',
  'layout_handles' => 
  array (
    0 => 'default',
    1 => 'THEME_frontend_GeneralTheme_default',
  'name_in_layout' => 'right.reports.product.viewed',
  'simple_registry' => 
  array (
  'store_id' => '7',

It seems so strange that I am the only one to detect this behavior :(

Tanks, Gianluca

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Hi Miguel, what do you think about this code in controllers/EsiController.php ?

 if ($block) {
                    $blockEsiOptions = $block->getEsiOptions();

// ###################################################
                    //IS THIS LINE REALLY NEEDED ?
// ###################################################

                    if ((int) $req->getParam($esiHelper->getEsiTtlParam()) > 0) {
                        $cacheFlag = true;
                        if (isset($blockEsiOptions['only_cache_if'])) {
                            switch ($blockEsiOptions['only_cache_if']) {
                                case 'empty':
                                    $cacheFlag = ('' === $resp->getBody());
                                case 'no_text':
                                    $cacheFlag = ('' === trim(strip_tags($resp->getBody())));
                                    $cacheFlag = false;

This seems the cause of problem. I don't understand becouse it is needed. Can you help me ?

Thank you

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Hi, the problem was this configuration:


If lifetime is 0 or not configured, the module does not do a properly fallback on php environment session max_lifetime: _session.gcmaxlifetime

The function getDefaultEsiTtl in Turpentine/Helper/Data.php is:

 public function getDefaultEsiTtl() {
        return trim(Mage::getStoreConfig('web/cookie/cookie_lifetime'));

Instead, core function getLifeTime in resource model Mage/Core/Model/Resource/Session.php, works with a default:

if ($this->_lifeTime < 60) {
          $this->_lifeTime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');

I think function could be fixed to work as the core function. Do you agree ?

Thanks, Gianluca

miguelbalparda commented 7 years ago

@gianstraf that makes sense, feel free to ope a pull request with this fix.

miguelbalparda commented 7 years ago

@gianstraf email me and I'll help you with that.

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

I sent you an e-mail with the patch details.

miguelbalparda commented 7 years ago

I didn't get any emails, can you create the pull request from your fork and point it to the devel branch?

gianstraf commented 7 years ago

Done. Thanks, Gianluca