nexdome / ASCOM

NexDome ASCOM Driver
MIT License
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shutter open command needs attention #47

Open dave4roma opened 2 years ago

dave4roma commented 2 years ago

When the shutter closes, the control board gets a message from the magnet that it is closed. It stops with the magnets separated about 3, 3 1/2 inches.

After some time or if the dome moves, it causes the shutter to close the rest of the way by gravity. The magnets in this cases are nearly touching, maybe 1/2 inch apart.

Now here is when the problem happens. When I tell TheSky or ASCOM to open the dome, it opens about a half inch then stops and the driver reports shutter state as OPEN, and last command open succeeded, but it is basically still closed. The shutter status indicator shows shutter all the way open.

I believe what is happening is that the control board is still receiving a signal from the closed magnets because it’s well within the detectable zone.

I don’t know if the magnet inputs for the open and close magnets are being received on the same pin or how it communicates with Arduino.

I believe there needs to be a timer on the ‘open’ command to stop listening to the magnet signal for a short time, or the firmware need to tell the difference between the open and closed magnets.

I've tested the problem several times and it seems repeatable.

w4sm commented 2 years ago

I have seen this exact problem many times. I have also had the dome open fully, stop at the appropriate point and then report itself as "closed" when it's clearly open.