nexml /

Java API for NeXML.
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Test files missing #17

Closed daisieh closed 7 years ago

daisieh commented 7 years ago

@rvosa: The test classes reference a few sample files that don't seem to be present in the repo: /examples/meta_types.xml /examples/characters.xml /examples/trees.xml /examples/02_dogfish_no_taxrefs.xml

They seem to be mostly located in your $NEXML_ROOT, which was at /Users/rvosa/Dropbox/documents/projects/current/nexml/src/nexml/trunk/nexml back when you wrote the cases. Can you find them and add them to the repo?

rvosa commented 7 years ago

They have been factored out by @yeban to a separate repo that contains just "core" NeXML files, not code in any non-XML language. The rationale is that all languages can then use the same test files without created a monster repo with all the languages in it. The example files are here:

daisieh commented 7 years ago

Cool. I made a pull request to get the example files directly from that repo instead of having to be contained in this one.

rvosa commented 7 years ago

I've given you direct commit access, maybe that's easiest?

daisieh commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I'll merge that PR then.