nexr / RHive

RHive is an R extension facilitating distributed computing via Apache Hive.
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dependencies ‘rJava’, ‘Rserve’ are not available for package ‘RHive’ #101

Open simran-k opened 7 years ago

simran-k commented 7 years ago

Dependency rJava is already there because I am using rhdfs as well and it works just fine. I have installed Rserve too and that works fine too.

These packages are installed in


In my R working directory I have cloned RHive repo , used ant build and R CMD build RHive. Works fine until here but it just does not install RHive.

It keeps saying

dependencies ‘rJava’, ‘Rserve’ are not available for package ‘RHive’

How to fix this?

I am on a centos system. Hadoop_Home and Hive_home have been set correctly.

taeyoung-yoon commented 7 years ago

@simran-k Please let me know the results after running the following commands in your R console.

installed_pkges <-[,c(1,3:4)])
rownames(installed_pkges) <- NULL
installed_pkges <- installed_pkges[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]
print(installed_pkges, row.names=FALSE)

There should be the following package names.

 Package  Version
   rJava    0.9-8
  Rserve    1.8-4

If not, please install 'rJava' and Rserve' with the following commands.

> install.packages("rJava")
> install.packages("Rserve")

And then, try to install 'RHive' package again.