nexr / RHive

RHive is an R extension facilitating distributed computing via Apache Hive.
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Unable to connect using rhive.connect( ) #106

Open ShivanandKhobanna opened 7 years ago

ShivanandKhobanna commented 7 years ago

Dear All,

I have successfully installed the RHive package.

rhive.env() hadoop home: /usr/hdp/ hadoop conf: /usr/hdp/ fs: hdfs://bdc-master.novalocal:8020 hive home: /usr/hdp/ user name: shivanand user home: /home/shivanand temp dir: /tmp/shivanand

rhive.connect() Error: Permission denied: user=shivanand, access=WRITE, inode="/rhive/lib/2.0-0.10/rhive_udf.jar":hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x

I can understand the error, as it says permission denied. However I am not able to find the "/rhive/lib/2.0-0.10/rhive_udf.jar" file.

it is located at : /usr/lib64/R/library/RHive/java/rhive_udf.jar

So my question is from where does it get the location of rhive_udf.jar file '?