next-theme / hexo-theme-next

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Perf: Use CDN to accelerate the speed of loading search.xml or search.json #363

Closed voidking closed 2 years ago

voidking commented 2 years ago

PR Checklist

PR Type

What is the current behavior?

Currently, the next theme loads the search.xml file from the source station.
As the number of articles grows, so does the search.xml file size. Then the loading speed will decrease. If the waiting time exceeds 5 seconds, most people will lose patience. This is a bad experience.

Issue resolved: N/A

What is the new behavior?

In my change, the next theme loads the search.xml file from CDN rather than github pages.
The theme users can config the CDN url for search.xml freely in _config.yml.
According to my experience, as I use the jdDelivr CDN, the search.xml file loading time is reduced to one-third of the original.

How to use?

In NexT _config.yml:

# Local Search
# Dependencies:
  enable: true
  # If auto, trigger search by changing input.
  # If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button.
  trigger: auto
  # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1
  top_n_per_article: 1
  # Unescape html strings to the readable one.
  unescape: false
  # Preload the search data when the page loads.
  preload: false
  # Use CDN to accelerate the speed of loading search.xml
    enable: true
    url: //<username>/<username>
welcome[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for opening your first PR here!

CLAassistant commented 2 years ago

CLA assistant check
All committers have signed the CLA.

ljcbaby commented 2 years ago

You should only set <script>CONFIG.path = '<username>/<username>';</script> in ./source/_data/head.njk and enable theme.custom_file_path.head

voidking commented 2 years ago

You should only set <script>CONFIG.path = '<username>/<username>';</script> in ./source/_data/head.njk and enable theme.custom_file_path.head

Thanks for your reply. Enable localsearch CDN in theme.custom_file_path.head is a good choice. All the custom file configurations are put together. The implementation maybe like this:

{%- if (theme.localsearch.enable and theme.localsearch.cdn.enable) %}
  <script>CONFIG.path = "{{ theme.localsearch.cdn.url }}";</script>
{%- endif %}

But the realization is easy to cause a kind of confusion: I have configured the localsearch CDN at theme.localsearch.cdn, but it didn't work! (Because I have to enable theme.custom_file_path.head too.) So, I think putting the logic in local-search.js is more reasonable. It is easier to configure for users. What do you think?

ljcbaby commented 2 years ago

local search is local search, its cdn loads is an advanced usage.So it is not reasonable to dedicate a configuration item to it. has been adapted for this requirement, I think it's enough.

voidking commented 2 years ago

local search is local search, its cdn loads is an advanced usage.So it is not reasonable to dedicate a configuration item to it. c1a2073 has been adapted for this requirement, I think it's enough.

@ljcbaby Well, it seems we can’t convince each other. @stevenjoezhang @PaperStrike Sorry to bother you, what about your opinions about adding cdn to localsearch?

ljcbaby commented 2 years ago

image 当时我提的修改的想法和你基本是一样的

voidking commented 2 years ago

image 当时我提的修改的想法和你基本是一样的

看了下群组的上下文, @stevenjoezhang @PaperStrike 都是更支持放入 custom_file_path,方案早就有了,只是没有把它作为一个可配置选项,我改下PR,后续telegram群组里沟通吧,感谢~

stevenjoezhang commented 2 years ago

不好意思,我这几天有点事情,没有关注这个问题的讨论。我也不确定这个功能的需求有多大,我稍后在 telegram 群和 GitHub 上发问卷进行调查。

我想这个选项和_config.yml最后的这一部分关联性比较高 这里把css设置成就可以通过 CDN 加载样式表。

或许可以整合一下,根据用户在hexo-deployer-git插件中配置的 GitHub 用户名,自动设置 main.css imagessearch.xml的 CDN 链接。

ljcbaby commented 2 years ago


ljcbaby commented 2 years ago


voidking commented 2 years ago

感谢两位的答复 @ljcbaby @stevenjoezhang ,简单说一下自己的需求来源吧。

