nextapps-de / flexsearch

Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js
Apache License 2.0
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fuzzy search and typos #118

Open gabzim opened 5 years ago

gabzim commented 5 years ago

Is there any way to support typos/misspellings of a word? Like a hamilton distance search where anything with a small distance is also included? eg: if I misspell tetx instead text. Is this supported?

ts-thomas commented 4 years ago

When I'm finished with the 0.7.0 release, I will think about how this could be implemented.

gustavopch commented 3 years ago

That's a very important feature. Are there plans to implement it?

acauquil commented 2 years ago

@ts-thomas With a fuzzy search you will make every other search libraries obselete. Can you imagine the impact on society ? Every release would be showcased at the Las Vegas flexsearch conference, you could have your own TV show, who knows?

Please, we crave this feature.

a-tonchev commented 2 years ago

I also need this feature. In other libraries you could provide e.g. fuzzyness: 0.2

thgh commented 2 years ago

Could be interesting to mention this on the README. Why would you include fuzzy search libraries in the benchmarks if flexsearch does not even support it?

Hebilicious commented 2 years ago

I just refactored from fuse.js to flexsearch, before realising that flexsearch doesn't support fuzzy search, so close from glory 😅 @ts-thomas you mentioned you'd look into it after 0.7.0, are you still interested in supporting this?

davidpaulsson commented 2 years ago

I also very much crave fuzzy search. Any updates on this?

kevinlul commented 2 years ago

Why does the README even claim fuzzy search when it's not a thing?

Abhi13027 commented 1 year ago

@ts-thomas The world needs a warrior, Rise from the ashes.

sujato commented 1 year ago

This is an essential feature for us, we'd love to use flexsearch but without fuzzy search we'll have to use something else.

manuelportela commented 6 months ago

Dear @ts-thomas,

I recommended your fantastic lib to a friend who just came back to me that this was a bad consulting. I used your library often in the past and did not even notice that fuzzy search was not part of it. What made me think that some kind of fuzzyness is covered is due to the encoder overview in the docs.

I think it would be fair to clearly state that fuzzy is currently not part of the deal - somewhere way up in the docs. I would also love to get your opinion about this topic. Do you think fuzzy search is something that may be combined with you r current approach?

Since today seams all about AI, LLM, Embeddings, I would also would like to hear your opinion about the approach of using vectors for similarity search.

Sorry, I'am curious about all these questions but I do not expect an answer. I am very thankful for all your work you put in here. 0.8 looks lovely!

thuhang2510 commented 1 week ago

I am currently using version flexsearch@0.7.43, and it doesn't have fuzzy search right?