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Kysely Adapter' Database interface mismatch with provided schema in docs and kysely schema rules #10441

Open AchalS-iglu opened 6 months ago

AchalS-iglu commented 6 months ago

Adapter type



System: OS: Linux 6.7 EndeavourOS CPU: (8) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 3700U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx Memory: 1.15 GB / 6.72 GB Container: Yes Shell: 5.2.26 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 21.4.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.4.0/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.21 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.4.0/bin/yarn npm: 10.2.4 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.4.0/bin/npm bun: 1.0.31 - ~/.bun/bin/bun Browsers: Chromium: 122.0.6261.128 npmPackages: @auth/drizzle-adapter: ^0.7.0 => 0.7.0 @auth/kysely-adapter: ^0.6.1 => 0.6.1 next: ^14.1.3 => 14.1.4 next-auth: ^4.24.6 => 4.24.7 react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0

Reproduction URL

Describe the issue

So, I used the schema provided in the docs but it is incompatible with the adapter's constructor KyselyAuth. Look at src/types/authTypes.ts. These types are then put into the Database interface in src/types/database.ts. Then that interface is further passed into the Adapter's constructor in file src/server/database.ts, however it is incompatible. The Adapter uses standard typescript typing rather than Kysely's format, meanwhile the docs have proper schema.

The adapter's internal database type refers to the core types.

Suggested interface for said type -

  id: GeneratedAlways<string>;
  name: string | null;
  email: string;
  emailVerified: Date | null;
  image: string | null;

interface AccountTable {
  id: GeneratedAlways<string>;
  userId: string;
  type: "oauth" | "oidc" | "email" | "webauthn"; // or however it is used
  provider: string;
  providerAccountId: string;
  refresh_token: string | null;
  access_token: string | null;
  expires_at: number | null;
  token_type: string | null;
  scope: string | null;
  id_token: string | null;
  session_state: string | null;

interface SessionTable {
  id: GeneratedAlways<string>;
  userId: string;
  sessionToken: string;
  expires: Date;

interface VerificationTokenTable {
  identifier: string;
  token: string;
  expires: Date;

I hope this is appropriate in terms of Kysely (I have actually never used kysely before). Also, Kysely tells to | null instead of optional ? or undefined. If I were to use Selectable instead of T (T being any of the table model above) then I believe it would match perfectly. However I am getting numerous errors on trying to assign Database schema to the adapter's constructor, there could be more, I do not know.

I hope I am correct I could be entirely wrong and using the lib incorrectly.

How to reproduce

Look at intellisense I suppose or run ts check

Expected behavior

No TS errors.

AchalS-iglu commented 6 months ago

The error

  The types of '' are incompatible between these types.
    Type 'GeneratedAlways<string>' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2344)
    "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/src/server/auth.ts",
    "owner": "typescript",
    "code": "2322",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Type 'import(\"/home/achals/repos/ta/node_modules/@auth/kysely-adapter/node_modules/@auth/core/adapters\").Adapter' is not assignable to type 'import(\"/home/achals/repos/ta/node_modules/next-auth/adapters\").Adapter'.\n  Types of property 'createUser' are incompatible.\n    Type '((user: AdapterUser) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>) | undefined' is not assignable to type '((user: Omit<AdapterUser, \"id\">) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>) | undefined'.\n      Type '(user: AdapterUser) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>' is not assignable to type '(user: Omit<AdapterUser, \"id\">) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>'.\n        Types of parameters 'user' and 'user' are incompatible.\n          Property 'id' is missing in type 'Omit<AdapterUser, \"id\">' but required in type 'AdapterUser'.",
    "source": "ts",
    "startLineNumber": 50,
    "startColumn": 3,
    "endLineNumber": 50,
    "endColumn": 10,
    "relatedInformation": [
            "startLineNumber": 174,
            "startColumn": 5,
            "endLineNumber": 174,
            "endColumn": 7,
            "message": "'id' is declared here.",
            "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/node_modules/@auth/kysely-adapter/node_modules/@auth/core/adapters.d.ts"
            "startLineNumber": 106,
            "startColumn": 5,
            "endLineNumber": 106,
            "endColumn": 12,
            "message": "The expected type comes from property 'adapter' which is declared here on type 'AuthOptions'",
            "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/node_modules/next-auth/core/types.d.ts"
    "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/src/server/auth.ts",
    "owner": "typescript",
    "code": "2345",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Argument of type 'Kysely<Database>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Kysely<DatabaseSchema>'.\n  The types of 'transaction().execute' are incompatible between these types.\n    Type '<T>(callback: (trx: Transaction<Database>) => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>' is not assignable to type '<T>(callback: (trx: Transaction<DatabaseSchema>) => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>'.\n      Types of parameters 'callback' and 'callback' are incompatible.\n        Types of parameters 'trx' and 'trx' are incompatible.\n          Type 'Transaction<Database>' is not assignable to type 'Transaction<DatabaseSchema>'.\n            The types returned by 'connection()' are incompatible between these types.\n              Type 'ConnectionBuilder<Database>' is not assignable to type 'ConnectionBuilder<DatabaseSchema>'.\n                Type 'DatabaseSchema' is not assignable to type 'Database'.",
    "source": "ts",
    "startLineNumber": 50,
    "startColumn": 26,
    "endLineNumber": 50,
    "endColumn": 28
    "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/src/server/auth.ts",
    "owner": "eslint",
    "code": {
        "value": "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars",
        "target": {
            "$mid": 1,
            "path": "/rules/no-unused-vars",
            "scheme": "https",
            "authority": ""
    "severity": 4,
    "message": "'DrizzleAdapter' is defined but never used.",
    "source": "eslint",
    "startLineNumber": 1,
    "startColumn": 10,
    "endLineNumber": 1,
    "endColumn": 24
    "resource": "/home/achals/repos/ta/src/server/auth.ts",
    "owner": "eslint",
    "code": {
        "value": "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars",
        "target": {
            "$mid": 1,
            "path": "/rules/no-unused-vars",
            "scheme": "https",
            "authority": ""
    "severity": 4,
    "message": "'Adapter' is defined but never used.",
    "source": "eslint",
    "startLineNumber": 8,
    "startColumn": 15,
    "endLineNumber": 8,
    "endColumn": 22
Aryan3212 commented 6 months ago

Are you using some kind of code gen? Then this snippet might help.

import type { Codegen } from "@auth/kysely-adapter"
new KyselyAuth<Database, Codegen>(...)

Found in the docs here:

ga1az commented 3 months ago

same error:

 The types of '' are incompatible between these types.
    Type 'GeneratedAlways<string>' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2344)

I follow all the instructions in the guide, but still always gives error, even with CodeGen, try with different package manager, npm, pnpm and bun.

AchalS-iglu commented 3 months ago
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import { Generated, GeneratedAlways, SqliteAdapter } from "kysely";
import { Kysely } from "kysely";
import { DB } from "kysely-codegen";
import { Adapter } from "next-auth/adapters";

const isoDateRE =
function isDate(value: any) {
  return value && isoDateRE.test(value) && !isNaN(Date.parse(value));

const format = {
  from<T>(object?: Record<string, any>): T {
    const newObject: Record<string, unknown> = {};
    for (const key in object) {
      const value = object[key];
      if (isDate(value)) newObject[key] = new Date(value);
      else newObject[key] = value;
    return newObject as T;
  to<T>(object: Record<string, any>): T {
    const newObject: Record<string, unknown> = {};
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object))
      newObject[key] = value instanceof Date ? value.toISOString() : value;
    return newObject as T;

export default function KyselyAdapter(db: Kysely<DB>): Adapter {
  const { adapter } = db.getExecutor();
  const { supportsReturning } = adapter;
  const isSqlite = adapter instanceof SqliteAdapter;
  /** If the database is SQLite, turn dates into an ISO string  */
  const to = isSqlite ? : <T>(x: T) => x as T;
  /** If the database is SQLite, turn ISO strings into dates */
  const from = isSqlite ? format.from : <T>(x: T) => x as T;
  return {
    async createUser(data) {
      const user = {, id: crypto.randomUUID() };
      await db
            createdAt: new Date(),
            updatedAt: new Date(),
      return user;
    async getUser(id) {
      const result = await db
        .where("id", "=", id)
      if (!result) return null;
      return from(result);
    async getUserByEmail(email) {
      const result = await db
        .where("email", "=", email)
      if (!result) return null;
      return from(result);
    async getUserByAccount({ providerAccountId, provider }) {
      const result = await db
        .innerJoin("Account", "", "Account.userId")
        .where("Account.providerAccountId", "=", providerAccountId)
        .where("Account.provider", "=", provider)
      if (!result) return null;
      return from(result);
    async updateUser({ id, ...user }) {
      const userData = to(user);
      const query = db.updateTable("User").set(userData).where("id", "=", id);
      const result = supportsReturning
        ? query.returningAll().executeTakeFirstOrThrow()
        : query
            .then(() =>
                .where("id", "=", id)
      return from(await result);
    async deleteUser(userId) {
      await db
        .where("", "=", userId)
    async linkAccount(account) {
      await db
            createdAt: new Date(),
            updatedAt: new Date(),
      return account;
    async unlinkAccount({ providerAccountId, provider }) {
      await db
        .where("Account.providerAccountId", "=", providerAccountId)
        .where("Account.provider", "=", provider)
    async createSession(session) {
      await db
            createdAt: new Date(),
            updatedAt: new Date(),
      return session;
    async getSessionAndUser(sessionToken) {
      const result = await db
        .innerJoin("User", "", "Session.userId")
        .select(["Session.expires", "Session.userId"])
        .where("Session.sessionToken", "=", sessionToken)
      if (!result) return null;
      const { userId, expires, ...user } = result;
      const session = { sessionToken, userId, expires };
      return { user: from(user), session: from(session) };
    async updateSession(session) {
      const sessionData = to(session);
      const query = db
        .where("Session.sessionToken", "=", session.sessionToken);
      const result = supportsReturning
        ? await query.returningAll().executeTakeFirstOrThrow()
        : await query.executeTakeFirstOrThrow().then(async () => {
            return await db
              .where("Session.sessionToken", "=", sessionData.sessionToken)
      return from(result);
    async deleteSession(sessionToken) {
      await db
        .where("Session.sessionToken", "=", sessionToken)
    async createVerificationToken(data) {
      await db.insertInto("VerificationToken").values(to(data)).execute();
      return data;
    async useVerificationToken({ identifier, token }) {
      const query = db
        .where("VerificationToken.token", "=", token)
        .where("VerificationToken.identifier", "=", identifier);

      const result = supportsReturning
        ? await query.returningAll().executeTakeFirst()
        : await db
            .where("token", "=", token)
            .then(async (res) => {
              await query.executeTakeFirst();
              return res;
      if (!result) return null;
      return from(result);

I used custom adapter with custom schema, hope it helps