nextauthjs / next-auth

Authentication for the Web.
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signIn response object always showing values of status = 200 and ok = true even when client submits invalid credentials #10931

Open stephendewyer opened 6 months ago

stephendewyer commented 6 months ago


System: OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631 CPU: (12) x64 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1355U Memory: 2.92 GB / 15.72 GB Binaries: Node: 20.8.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE npm: 10.1.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD Browsers: Edge: Chromium (123.0.2420.97) Internet Explorer: 11.0.22621.3527 npmPackages: @auth/core: ^0.31.0 => 0.31.0 @auth/sveltekit: ^1.1.0 => 1.1.0

Reproduction URL

Describe the issue

I am creating a custom signin page for a project. The signIn function from @auth/sveltekit/client is returning an object that is always status = 200 and ok = true even when the client submits invalid credentials. As a result, I am unable to show users feedback after they submit their credentials. I've tried to find a workaround to no avail. In previous @auth/sveltekit versions (and earlier SvelteKit versions), the signIn function would return status = 400 and ok = false if the credentials submitted by the user were invalid.

How to reproduce


<script lang="ts">
    import { PUBLIC_DOMAIN } from "$env/static/public";
    import BannerImage from "$lib/images/Art_in_Tech_Services_banner_with_logo.jpg";
    import { page } from "$app/stores";
    // import PendingFlashMessage from "$lib/components/flashMessages/PendingFlashMessage.svelte";
    // import ErrorFlashMessage from "$lib/components/flashMessages/ErrorFlashMessage.svelte";
    // import SuccessFlashMessage from "$lib/components/flashMessages/SuccessFlashMessage.svelte";
    import EmailInput from "$lib/components/inputs/EmailInput.svelte";
    import PasswordInput from "$lib/components/inputs/PasswordInput.svelte";
    import SubmitButton from "$lib/components/buttons/SubmitButton.svelte";
    import CancelButton from "$lib/components/buttons/CancelButton.svelte";
    import ActionButtonSecondary from "$lib/components/buttons/ActionButtonSecondary.svelte";
    import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
    import { signIn } from "@auth/sveltekit/client";

    // receive form data from server

    let emailInputValue: string = "";
    let emailIsValid: boolean = true;

    let passwordInputValue: string = "";
    let passwordIsValid: boolean = true;

    let loginClientButtonDisabled: boolean = true;

    $: if (
        emailIsValid &&
        passwordIsValid &&
        (passwordInputValue !== "") &&
        (emailInputValue !== "")
    ) {
        loginClientButtonDisabled = false;
    } else {
        loginClientButtonDisabled = true;

    let responseItem: ResponseObj = {
        success: "",
        error: "",
        status: null

    $: if((responseItem.success) || (responseItem.error)) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            responseItem.success = "";
            responseItem.error = "";
            status: null;
        }, 4000)

    const loginClientHandler = async () => {
        pending = true;
        try {
            const response = await signIn("credentials", {
                providerId: "client-login",
                email: emailInputValue,
                password: passwordInputValue,
                redirect: false,
                callbackUrl: "/authenticated-client/client"
            if (response) {
                responseItem.success = "valid email and password";
                emailInputValue = "";
                passwordInputValue = "";
        } catch (error) {

    // $: console.log($

    let pending: boolean = false;

    $: if((responseItem.success) || (responseItem.error)) {
        pending = false;


    <title>Art in Tech Services - login client</title>
    <meta name="description" content="login client" />
    <meta property="og:image" content={BannerImage} />
    <meta property="og:url" content={PUBLIC_DOMAIN+$page.url.pathname}/>

<div class="page">
    <form class="form" on:submit|preventDefault={loginClientHandler}>
        <h1>login client</h1>
        <div class="input_row">
        <div class="input_row">
                passwordInputErrorMessage="password required"
        <div class="buttons_container">
    <div class="login_helpers_container">
        <div class="login_helpers_column">
            <h4 class="login_helper_prompt">
                don't have an account?
            <a href="/create-a-client-account">
                    create a free account
        <div class="login_helpers_column">
            <h4 class="login_helper_prompt">
                forgot your password?
            <a href="/reset-client-password">
                    reset password
    <a href="/" class="cancel_button_container">


import { SvelteKitAuth, CredentialsSignin } from "@auth/sveltekit";
import Credentials from "@auth/core/providers/credentials";
import { AUTH_SECRET } from '$env/static/private';
import { clientAuthentication } from "$lib/server/authentication/client-authentication.js";

// class InvalidLoginError extends CredentialsSignin {
//     code = "invalid email and/or password"
// };

export const { handle, signIn, signOut } = SvelteKitAuth({
    providers: [
            async authorize(credentials) {
                if (credentials.providerId === "client-login") {
                    // @ts-ignore
                    const response = await clientAuthentication(credentials);
                    if (response === null) {
                        return null;
                    } else if (response) {
                        const responseItem = await response;
                        return responseItem ?? null;
                } else {
                    return null;
    secret: AUTH_SECRET,
    debug: true,
    session: {
        // maxAge: 1800, // 30 mins
        strategy: "jwt"
    trustHost: true


import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { handle as authenticationHandle } from './auth';
import { sequence } from "@sveltejs/kit/hooks";

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
const authorizationHandle = async ({event, resolve}) => {
    const session = await event.locals.auth();
    // redirect users to "/authenticated-client/client" if startsWith("/authenticated-client") is false

    if (
        !event.url.pathname.startsWith("/authenticated-client") &&
        session?.user?.name === "client"
    ) {
        throw redirect(303, "/authenticated-client/client");

    // protect any routes under /authenticated-client

    if (event.url.pathname.startsWith("/authenticated-client")) {
        if (session?.user?.name !== "client") {
            throw redirect(303, "/login-client");

    if (
        !event.url.pathname.startsWith("/authenticated-administrator") &&
        session?.user?.name === "administrator"
    ) {
        throw redirect(303, "/authenticated-administrator/administrator");

    if (event.url.pathname.startsWith("/authenticated-administrator")) {
        if (session?.user?.name !== "administrator") {
            throw redirect(303, "/login-administrator");
    // if still request, proceed as normal
    return await resolve(event);

export const handle = sequence(

Expected behavior

The signIn function in login-client+page.svelte should return an object with status = 400 and ok = false if the user submits invalid credentials.

roberte777 commented 6 months ago

I am experiencing virtually the exact same issue with the exact same setup, but in the Next.JS codebase.

jeffreys-cat commented 5 months ago

Have the same problem

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