nextauthjs / next-auth

Authentication for the Web.
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Kysely auth adapter #8660

Closed Adventune closed 9 months ago

Adventune commented 11 months ago

Adapter type



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Reproduction URL

Describe the issue

Using the documented code for kysely adapter causes errors with typing.

1. TS2345: Argument of type  KyselyAuth<Database, Database>  is not assignable to parameter of type  Kysely<Database> The types of  fn.agg  are incompatible between these types.

2. TS2322: Type import('.../project/node_modules/@auth/core/adapters').Adapter is not assignable to type import('.../project/node_modules/next-auth/adapters').Adapter

( 3*. TS2345: Argument of type import('.../project/node_modules/kysely/dist/esm/kysely').Kysely<import('.../project/packages/web/src/types/db').Database> is not assignable to parameter of type import('.../project/node_modules/kysely/dist/esm/kysely').Kysely<import('.../project/node_modules/@auth/kysely-adapter/index').Database> )

There seems to be some problems with mixing authjs and next-auth libraries.

*3rd error is when db = new KyselyAuth<Database>() in db.ts is swapped with db = new Kysely<Database>()

How to reproduce

  1. Init a new nextjs project
  2. Install next-auth
  3. Install dependencies from kysely adapter documentation
  4. Create app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts & types/db.d.ts and paste contents from adapter documentation (with slightly varying paths)
  5. Look at red squiggly lines

Expected behavior

No type errors

robbyyt commented 11 months ago

I can confirm I am experiencing this as well.

JannVazTor commented 11 months ago

having the same error here

bartaldavid commented 10 months ago

I was experiencing the same issue and found the problem after digging into the source code of the adapter. There is a mismatch between the Database type in the docs and what the adapter accepts.

// adapter-kysely/index.ts export interface Database { User: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> name: string | null email: string emailVerified: Date | string | null image: string | null } Account: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> userId: string type: string provider: string providerAccountId: string refresh_token: string | null access_token: string | null expires_at: number | null token_type: string | null scope: string | null id_token: string | null session_state: string | null } Session: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> userId: string sessionToken: string expires: Date | string } VerificationToken: { identifier: string token: string expires: Date | string } }

Docs: interface Database { User: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> name: string | null email: string emailVerified: Date | null image: string | null } Account: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> userId: string type: string provider: string providerAccountId: string refresh_token: string | null access_token: string | null expires_at: number | null token_type: string | null scope: string | null id_token: string | null session_state: string | null } Session: { id: GeneratedAlways<string> userId: string sessionToken: string expires: Date } VerificationToken: { identifier: string token: string expires: Date } } see e. g. the expires columns. This would be an easy fix, but: the KyselyAdapter function doesn't accept any superset of this type, so if I want to add my own data, it throws an error, because it is accepting only Kysely<Database>. This is really annoying, and makes the adapter unusable, which is really depressing, because Kysely is awesome. I tried to fix this using various TypeScript hacks, like reusing the KyselyAuth class there, but none of them worked (they killed Kysely type checking). If anyone has more experience in TypeScript, I would appreciate their help and open a pull request for this. For now, I will go back to Drizzle...

samuelho-dev commented 9 months ago

Having this issue as well.. Renders the Kysely adapter completely useless, I reverted back to utilizing prisma to handle this..

Multiply commented 9 months ago

I just typecasted the input as any for now, and kysely seems to work fine for me.

Adventune commented 9 months ago

I just typecasted the input as any for now, and kysely seems to work fine for me.

Yeah I added ts-ignore for it and that does work but it is unfortunate that it doesn't work with typing

kevin-griley commented 9 months ago

The actual package is a single index.ts file.

It's fairly easy to just copy that file from @auth/kysely-adapter/src/index.ts into project.

I found this great since I can customize the adapter function. It's a great starting template to get a really customized adapter.

balazsorban44 commented 9 months ago

I'm going to close this as nobody in the issue thread added an actual reproduction. Please open one with a code example we can investigate, thanks!