Open studio1902 opened 8 years ago
We've build it like this with the idea you can hide the different boxes if you don't use them in the 'Screen options'. When they are combined you create an all-or-nothing situation which is not preferred in my opinion. Perhaps we can add a setting which autohides some of the items by default for new users.
Combining this issue with #17
I understand your choice. But as it is you've created a usability issue where you get feedback on your title en meta description in another metabox. Easy to miss.
Which could be an issue that only gets bigger if ACF fields #16 are also taken into consideration 'cause feedback will also be in this metabox. Therefore I think it is best to leave it as is: all feedback is in one metabox. this way you always know where to look for feedback. :-)
But I will reopen this issue for a later milestone so we can check into it on a later stage.
But wouldn't feedback be combined because the post content + text fields will get treated as one big text?
I'd like the different metaboxes combined into one so it won't get to bloated for the end user. Perhaps this could be optional.